This tag is used on the following pages:
- A sarcophagus from Antioch
- Aalen, Tombstone with Minerva's owl
- Abydus, Roman tombstone
- Achmim, Funerary stela of Pamim
- Acragas, Sarcophagus with Achilles and Memnon
- Acragas, So-called Tomb of Theron
- Aegina, Tombstone of a young man
- Afrosiab, Christian ossuary
- Al Hatia, Royal Tomb
- Al Hatia, Tombs
- Al-Hatia, inside one of the tombs
- Al-Mabiyat, Jewish funerary inscription in a late Nabataean / early Arabic script
- Alacahöyük, Royal Tombs
- Alexandria in Troas, Detail of a sarcophagus
- Alexandria near Issus, Roman tombstone (1)
- Alexandria near Issus, Roman tombstone (2)
- Alexandria, Catacombs, Tomb relief
- Alexandria, Tombstone of Aurelius Firmius of II Traiana Fortis
- Alexandria, Tombstone of Longinus of II Traiana
- Amasia, General view
- Amasia, Royal Tomb 1
- Amasia, Royal Tomb 2
- Amasia, Royal Tomb 3 (1)
- Amasia, Royal Tomb 3 (2)
- Amasia, Royal Tomb 3 (3)
- Amasia, Royal Tomb 4
- Amasia, Royal Tomb 5
- Amasia, Royal Tomb 5, interior
- Amasia, Royal Tombs 3, 4, 5
- Amioun rock tombs
- Amman, Raghadan Palace, Coffins
- Amphipolis, Black-glazed hydria, used as an urn
- Amphipolis, Metal ash box with golden wreath
- Amphipolis, Tombstone of a gladiator
- Ancyra, Roman housetomb (1)
- Ancyra, Roman housetomb (2)
- Ancyra, Roman housetomb (3)
- Ancyra, Roman housetomb (4)
- Ancyra, Roman tomb (1)
- Ancyra, Roman tomb (2)
- Ancyra, Roman tombstone
- Ancyra, Tombstone of a gladiator
- Ancyra, Tombstone of a sailor
- Anemurium, Necropolis (1)
- Anemurium, Necropolis (2)
- Ansesina, Les Roises, Tomb of a child
- Antalya, Lycian tomb
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus (1)
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, Front
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, Front: the two deceased, flanking Apollo
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, Short side: the deceased woman and her sons?
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, Short side: the two deceased, pooring a libation
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, skeletons
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus: Lion hunt
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus: Lion hunt, detail
- Apamea, Greek tombstone
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aelianus, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aelius Victor
- Apamea, Tombstone of an unknown soldier
- Apamea, Tombstone of an unknown soldier of II Parthica (1)
- Apamea, Tombstone of an unknown soldier of II Parthica (2)
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Alexander, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Florentinus, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Ingenuus, tesserarius of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Ingenuus, tesserarius of II Parthica, fragment
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Maximus, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Mucianus, centurio of II Parthica, fragment
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Mucianus, primus pilus of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Tato, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Claudius Urbicus, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Felsonius Verus, aquilifer of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Felsonius Verus, aquilifer of II Parthica, detail
- Apamea, Tombstone of Gaius Aelius Julius, soldier of II Parthica and X Gemina
- Apamea, Tombstone of Magnus Matto, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Septimius Mucapor, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Septimius Viator, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Septimius, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Septimius, soldier of II Parthica, detail
- Apamea, Tombstone of Titus Flavius Seutes, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Tryphon, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Ulpius Vitalis, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Valerius
- Apamea, Tombstone of Valerius Macednus, soldier of IIII Flavia Felix
- Apamea, Tombstone of Veranius Secundus, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Verinus Marinus, librarian of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Vibius Januarius, soldier of II Parthica
- Apamea, Tombstone of Vitalis, soldier of IIII Flavia Felix
- Aquincum, Tombstone of M. Annius
- Aquincum, Tombstone of M. Ulpius Victor
- Aquincum, Tombstone of T. Flavius Magnus
- Armenian tombstone with an Urartian inscription
- Arsameia on the Nymphaios
- Arykanda, Necropolis, general view
- Arykanda, Necropolis, Large tomb
- Arykanda, Necropolis, Large tomb, Entrance
- Arykanda, Necropolis, Sarcophagus
- Arykanda, Necropolis, Tomb
- Arykanda, Necropolis, Tomb, detail: a gorgo
- Arykanda, Necropolis, Tombs
- Aššur, Royal Tombs, Sarcophagus of Aššurnasirpal II
- Aššur, Royal Tombs, Sarcophagus of Šamši-Adad V
- Augsburg, Family tomb of Aurelius Marcus
- Augsburg, Tomb of Saecundanus Florentinus, painter of III Italica
- Augsburg, Tomb of T. Flavius Clemens
- Augusta Emerita, Inscription mentioning X Gemina
- Augusta Merita, Tombstone of a barmaid
- Augusta Merita, Tombstone of Lutatia
- Baalbek, Quarry, Tombs
- Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Sarcophagus
- Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tombstone of G. Pacideius
- Baden-Baden, Tombstone of Lucius Aemilius
- Bavay, Tomb of a baby
- Bazina
- Beirut, sarcophagi
- Beirut, Tell, Roman tombs
- Beirut, Tombstone of Q. Aemilius Secundus
- Beirut, Tombstone of Valerius Rufus of VII Claudia
- Belevi Mausoleum
- Belevi, Mausoleum
- Belevi, Mausoleum, Chamber
- Belgrade, Sarcophagus of M. Aurelius Glyconianus
- Belogradets, Cimmerian tombstone
- Bijaci, Tombstone of Vegnonius of VII Claudia
- Bin Tepe
- Bin Tepe, Funeral mound (1)
- Bin Tepe, Funeral mound (2)
- Bin Tepe, Funeral mound (3)
- Bin Tepe, Funeral mound (4)
- Bin Tepe, General view
- Bin Tepe, Large funeral mound
- Bin Tepe, Small funeral mound
- Bin Tepe, Tumuli at the Lydian royal cemetery
- Bin Tepe, Two funeral mounds
- Bir Tarsin, Neo-Punic funeral monument
- Bishapur, Tombstone with a Pahlavi inscription
- Bodrum, Representation of Saint Nicholas
- Boeotia, Tombstone of Polyxena
- Bonn, Tomb of Publius Clodius of the First Legion
- Bonn, Tombstone of L. Magius Dubius of I Minervia
- Bonn, Tombstone of Petilius of XV Primigenia
- Bonn, Tombstone of Ursicinus
- Bosra, Tombstone of centurio Aelius Vitalinius Valentinus of III Cyrenaica
- Bosra, Tombstone of optio Q. Calpurnius of III Cyrenaica
- Brescia, Sarcophagus with the Battle of Marathon
- Bsharre
- Bsharre, Phoenician tomb
- Bsharre, Phoenician tomb, inside
- Bürgel, Cemetery, urn
- Burnum, Tombstone of ..azicus
- Burnum, Tombstone of a signifer
- Burnum, Tombstone of Dacnas
- Byblos, Chalcolithic burial
- Byblos, Phoenician funerary inscription
- Byblos, Royal Tomb I (Abi Chemou)
- Byblos, Royal Tomb V, Sarcophagus of Ahirom (1)
- Byblos, Royal Tombs, Sarcophagus (1)
- Byblos, Royal Tombs, Sarcophagus (2)
- Byllis, Tombstone of Quintus Allius Maximus
- Byzantine funerary stele
- Caere, Banditaccia necropolis, Cippus tomb
- Caere, Banditaccia necropolis, Tholos tomb
- Caere, Banditaccia necropolis, Tumulus tomb
- Caere, Tomba della Capanna
- Caere, Sarcophagus of the Spouses
- Caesarea-Mazaca, Roman tombstone
- Canopes of Nefer
- Carmo (Carmona) Necropolis
- Carmona, Circular tomb
- Carmona, Circular tomb, columbarium
- Carmona, Tomb of Servilia, court
- Carmona, Tomb of Servilia, paintings
- Carmona, Tomb of the Elephant
- Carmona, Tomb of the Elephant, banks and statue
- Carnuntum, Remains of a cremation
- Carnuntum, Tomb of Titus Calidius of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Aiianius of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Attius of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Caecilius Celer of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Cassius Marinus of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Lucilius of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Plotidius Vitalis of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Proculus of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Quintus Fortesius of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Seius of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Statutus of XV Apollinaris
- Carnuntum, Tombstone of Valerius, trumpeter of XV Apollinaris
- Carthage, Christian tombstone
- Carthage, Dedication to Tanit
- Carthage, Funerary stele with elephant
- Carthage, Punic stele (1)
- Carthage, Punic stele (3)
- Carthage, Tombstone
- Carthage, Tombstone of Batba'al
- Carthage, Tophet, Tombstones (1)
- Carthage, Tophet, Tombstones (2)
- Carthage, Tophet, Tombstones (3)
- Carthage, Tophet, Tombstones (4)
- Carthage. Punic stele (2)
- Chaeronea, Macedonian Tumulus
- Chalcedon, Tombstone of Severius Acceptus of VIII Augusta
- Cherchell, Christian tombstone of Vitula
- Cherchell, Tombstone of a Dalmatian horseman (1)
- Cherchell, Tombstone of a Dalmatian horseman (2)
- Cherchell, Tombstone of a freedwoman of king Juba II
- Choga Zanbil, Royal Palace, Tombs
- Cinyps, Stone, house-shaped urns
- Cirta, Sanctuary of El-Hofra, Funerary stela (1)
- Cirta, Sanctuary of El-Hofra, Funerary stela (2)
- Cirta, Sanctuary of El-Hofra, Funerary stela (3)
- Cirta, Sanctuary of El-Hofra, Funerary stela (4)
- Clusium, Etruscan urn
- Colchester, Tombstone of centurion Marcus Favonius Facilis
- Cologne, Funerary monument of Clodius Poblicius of V Alaudae
- Cologne, Tombstone of an officer of III Augusta
- Cologne, Tombstone of Celerinus of X Gemina
- Cologne, Tombstone of Gaius Deccius of XX Valeria Victrix
- Cologne, Tombstone of Gaius Julius Maternus of I Minervia
- Cologne, Tombstone of Quintus Pompeius of XV Primigenia
- Cologne, Tombstone of T. Julius Tuttius of XXII Primigenia
- Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, Tombstone of an aquilifer of II Adiutrix
- Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, Tombstone of Aurelius Suro of I Adiutrix
- Constantinople, Tombstone of Menios
- Coptic Phoenix (1)
- Corinth, Tombstone of a Christian
- Corinth, Tombstone of Gaius Valerius Valens of VIII Augusta
- Cretan larnax
- Cyprus, Clay sarcophagus
- Cyprus, Funerary column
- Cyrrhus, Hexagonal mausoleum
- Cyrrhus, Hexagonal mausoleum, ceiling
- Cyrrhus, Tombstone of a soldier of X Fretensis
- Cyrrhus,South wall, Christian inscription
- Cyzicus, Tomb of Paresio
- Cyzicus-Panderma, Tomb of Demetrius
- Dascylium, Long funerary stele
- Dascylium, Short funerary stele
- De Bruijn, Giza
- De Bruijn, inside the great pyramid
- Deir el-Bahari, Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut
- Demircili, Lower Mausoleum
- Demircili, Twin Mausolea
- Demircili, Upper Mausoleum
- Diocaesarea, Hellenistic mausoleum
- Dukkan-e Daud
- Dukkan-e Daud, Tomb
- Dukkan-e Daud, Tomb, Relief of a Magian
- Durostorum, Roman sarcophagus
- Edessa?, Tombstone of a couple
- Edessa?, Tombstone of a lady
- Edessa?, Tombstone of a man
- Edessa?, Tombstone with an eagle
- Eleusis, Sarcophagus with the Calydonian Hunt
- Emona, Inscription of Iovinus of XIII Gemina
- Emona, Tombstone of Varius of XV Apollinaris
- Emporiae, Sta Margarida, Christian funerary mosaic
- Englum, Tomb of a dog
- Eshaqvan, Rock Relief (cast)
- Eshaqvan, Rock Tombs
- Eshaqvan, Rock tombs, seen from a distance
- Eshaqvand/Sakavand
- Este, Tombstone of a veteran of the Eleventh Legion
- Famagusta, Roman sarcophagus
- Fethiye, Tomb of Amyntas (1)
- Fethiye, Tomb of Amyntas (2)
- Fethiye, Tomb of Amyntas, Interior
- Fethiye, Tombs
- Furnos Minus, Christian funerary mosaic
- Garni, "Temple"
- Gebel Barkal, Northern pyramids (1)
- Gebel Barkal, Northern pyramids (2)
- Ghanafes, Tomb of Annosay ben Masana
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North A (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North A (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North A (3)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, false door
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief (3)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief (4)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, reliefs
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C (3)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, arches with fish
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, decoration (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, decoration (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, decoration (3)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, decoration (4)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, false door
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, inscription
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North D?, hyenas and ram's head
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, animals
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, Shepherd
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, warriors
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North F
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North F, E, and D
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South A (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South A (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South A (3)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South A (4)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South A (5)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South C, Cattle traders
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South C, Cattle traders (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South F (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South F (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South F (3)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South F (4)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South G (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South G (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South G (3)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South G (4)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, bird and palm
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, predators and bull's head
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South, overview
- Ghirza, northern necropolis, mausolea C, B, and A
- Ghirza, southern necropolis, remains of two mausoleums
- Ghirza: Mausoleum North-A
- Ghirza: Mausoleum North-C
- Ghirza: Mausoleum North-D-G
- Ghirza: Mausoleum South-A
- Ghirza: Mausoleum South-C
- Ghirza: Mausoleum South-F
- Ghirza: Mausoleum South-G
- Ghirza: Mausoleum South-NN
- Giza, Pyramid of Khafra
- Giza, Pyramid of Khufu
- Giza, Pyramid of Menkaura
- Giza, Pyramids
- Glannes, Merovingian sarcophagus
- Glanum, Arch and Mausoleum
- Glanum, Mausoleum
- Glanum, Mausoleum, east reliëf
- Glanum, Mausoleum, north reliëf
- Glanum, Mausoleum, south reliëf
- Glanum, Mausoleum, west reliëf
- Glanum, Roman mausoleum (1)
- Glanum, Roman mausoleum (2)
- Glanum, Roman Mausoleum (3)
- Golyamata Kosmatka
- Golyamata Kosmatka, Corridor
- Golyamata Kosmatka, Door, one of the two tomb doors
- Golyamata Kosmatka, Façade
- Golyamata Kosmatka, Grave
- Golyamata Kosmatka, Grave entrance
- Golyamata Kosmatka, Mound
- Golyamata Kosmatka, Round room (tholos)
- Gonur Deppe, Horse tomb
- Gordium, "Tomb of Midas"
- Gordium, Entrance to tumulus MM
- Gordium, Galatian tomb
- Gordium, Great Tumulus, Chamber (1)
- Gordium, Great Tumulus, Chamber (2)
- Gordium, Great Tumulus, Chamber, Model
- Gordium, Tumulus MM1
- Great Tumulus
- Günzburg, Germanic burial gifts
- Gur-e Dokhtar N
- Gur-e Dokhtar NW
- Gur-e Dokhtar SW
- Gur-e Dokhtar W
- Hadrumetum, Catacomb of Severus, Funerary Mosaic of Bigulantius
- Hadrumetum, Tombstone of Caelius Saturninus
- Hadrumetum, Tombstone of Iorticius
- Haft Tepe, Royal Tomb
- Haft Tepe, Royal tombs, Mask 1
- Haft Tepe, Royal tombs, Mask 2
- Haft Tepe, Royal tombs, Mask 3
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Chamber
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, General view
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Model
- Haltern, Tomb 27, model
- Hannaouiye, "Tomb of Hiram"
- Heerlen, couple
- Heerlen, tombstone of Marcus Julius
- Hegra, Tomb IGN 132, Decoration
- Herderen, Tumulus
- Herwen Mole Inscription
- Hostilian
- Icosium, Bab el-Oued cemetery, Tomb stela of a Numidian horseman
- Imbriogion (Demircili)
- Izgrev, Thracian tomb
- Janzur
- Janzur, Tomb painting
- Janzur, Tomb painting, Priest pooring a libation
- Janzur, Tomb painting, Proserpina and Pluto
- Janzur, Tomb painting: a man carrying someone's body
- Janzur, Tomb painting: the story of Alcestis and Heracles
- Jerusalem, Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, Drawing by De Bruijn
- Kalabsha, Coptic tombstone of Manna
- Kamenica
- Kamenica, Eastern expansion
- Kamenica, General view
- Kamenica, Model
- Kamenica, Original circle
- Kamenica, Skeleton
- Kamenica, Southern expansion
- Kanesh, Karum, Cist grave
- Karahunj
- Karanovo, Tomb of Rhoemetalces III, Chariot burial
- Karanovo, Tomb of Rhoemetalces III, Grave
- Karanovo, Tomb of Rhoemetalces III, Horse burial
- Karanovo, Tomb of Rhoemetalces III, Mound
- Kaunos, Rock tombs
- Kazanlak, Tomb, Dromos
- Kazanlak, Tomb, Painted ceiling
- Kazanlak, Tomb, Painted ceiling, Chariot with horses
- Kazanlak, Tomb, Thrones
- Kékkút, Tombstone of a soldier of II Adiutrix
- Kesik tepe
- Köln-Alteburg, Tomb of the steersman Horus
- Köln-Alteburg, Tombstone of Verecundus
- Köln-Deutz, Tombstone of Viatorinus
- Kom Abu Billu, Coptic funerary stela
- Koninksem, Tumulus
- Kum Tepe
- Kupan, Achaemenid rock tomb (1)
- Kupan, Achaemenid rock tomb (2)
- Labraunda, Tomb of Idrieus
- Larisa, Tombstone of a man with a hat
- Larisa, Tombstone of Polyxena
- Lemnos, Tombstone of an Etruscan (?) warrior
- Lepcis Magna, Christian tombstone
- Lepcis Magna, Tombstone of Geminius
- Limyra, Cenotaph of Gaius Caesar
- Limyra, Cenotaph of Gaius Caesar, Damaged relief
- Limyra, Cenotaph of Gaius Caesar, Relief
- Lincoln, Tombstone of Gaius Saufeius
- Lincoln, Tombstone of Valerius of II Adiutrix
- London-Minories, Tombstone of Agricola, soldier of VI Victrix
- Lumina, Stele of a Scythian ruler
- Lycian tombs
- Lysi, Tombstone of a Thracian hoplite named Dionysius of Cardia
- M. Caelius
- Maastricht, St.Servaas, Christian tombstone
- Machnaqa, Tomb and reliefs
- Madaba, Funeral inscription of Itaybel
- Madauros, Christian tombstone (2)
- Madauros, Tombstone of a couple
- Madauros, Tombstone of bishop Placentinus
- Madauros, Tombstone of Tiberius Claudius Quietus
- Madghacen
- Madghacen, Royal tomb (1)
- Madghacen, Royal tomb (2)
- Madghacen, Royal tomb (3)
- Madghacen, Royal tomb (4)
- Madghacen, Royal tomb, Wall
- Mainz, Tombstone of Maris, the Arabian horseman
- Mainz, Drususstein
- Mainz, Drususstein
- Mainz, Selected Military Tombstones
- Mainz, Tombstone of Antiochus, the Parthian Archer
- Mainz, Tombstone of Flavoleius of XIIII Gemina
- Mainz, Tombstone of G. Faltonius Secundus of XXII Primigenia
- Mainz, Tombstone of G. Julius Niger
- Mainz, Tombstone of Gn. Coelius of IIII Macedonica
- Mainz, Tombstone of Gn. Musius, standard bearer of XIIII Gemina
- Mainz, Tombstone of L. Marius of XXI Rapax
- Mainz, Tombstone of L. Valerius Fronto of I Adiutrix
- Mainz, Tombstone of L. Varius Sacco
- Mainz, Tombstone of M. and G. Cassius of XIIII Gemina
- Mainz, Tombstone of Q. Marcius of XXI Rapax and his son
- Mainz, Tombstone of Titus Pompeius of XVI Gallica
- Mainz, Tombstone of Togius Statutus, the Scout
- Mainz, Tombstone of Urvinus of XIII Gemina
- Mainz, Tombstone with a poem for a girl
- Mainz, Tombstones
- Mainz-Weisenau, Tombstone of a carpenter with a relief of a warship
- Map of Naqš-e Rustam
- Marathon, Mycenaean funeral mound
- Marathon, Tomb of the 192 Athenians ("Soros")
- Marathon, Tomb of the Plataeans
- Mascula, Tombstone of a baby
- Mausolée royal de Maurétanie
- Mausolée royal de Maurétanie (1)
- Mausolée royal de Maurétanie (2)
- Mausolée royal de Maurétanie (3)
- Mausolée royal de Maurétanie, Chamber
- Mausolée royal de Maurétanie, Wall
- Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
- Megara, Funerary relief of an athlete
- Meroe, Northern Pyramids (1)
- Meroe, Northern Pyramids (2)
- Meroe, Northern Pyramids (3)
- Meroe, Northern Pyramids (4)
- Midas City, Phrygian necropolis
- Motya, Necropolis
- Motya, Punic sepulchral stela (1)
- Motya, Punic sepulchral stela (2)
- Motya, Punic sepulchral stela (3)
- Motya, Punic sepulchral stela (4)
- Motya, Sarcophagus of a girl
- Msletten (north)
- Msletten (south)
- Msletten II, Northern tomb, Corinthian capital
- Msletten II, Northern tomb, Dromedaries blocking our approach
- Msletten II, Northern tomb, lower section
- Msletten II, Northern tomb, middle section
- Msletten II, Northern tomb, overview
- Msletten II, Northern tomb, upper section
- Msletten II, Southern tomb
- Msletten, general view
- Msletten, NW needle from NE
- Msletten, NW needle from NW
- Msletten, NW needle from SE
- Msletten, NW needle from SW
- Msletten, NW needle, deco
- Msletten, remains of the third tomb
- Msletten, SW needle from NE
- Msletten, SW needle from NW
- Msletten, SW needle from SE
- Msletten, SW needle from SW
- Mycenae, Cyclopean Wall near Grave Circle A
- Mycene, Tomb of Atreus (1)
- Myra, Church of the tomb of St Nicholas, Tomb
- Myra, Lycian tomb
- Myra, Rock tombs
- Myra, Rock tombs (1)
- Myra, Rock tombs (2)
- Myra, Rock tombs (3)
- Nablus, Tombstone of G. Valerius of IIII Flavia Felix
- Naqš-e Rustam
- Naqš-e Rustam Photos
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid tomb I
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid Tomb I, General view
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid tomb II
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid Tomb II
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid Tomb II, General view
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid Tomb II, Relief, Additional figure
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid tomb III
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid Tomb IV
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid Tomb IV, Central register
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid Tomb IV, Upper register
- Naqš-e Rustam, Achaemenid Tombs I and II
- Naqš-e Rustam, General view
- Naqš-e Rustam, Ka'bah-e Zardusht and Achaemenid tomb I
- Naqš-e Rustam, Tomb of Darius the Great (with a Sasanian relief of Bahram II)
- Naqš-e Rustam, Tomb of Darius the Great, Inscription DNb
- Naqš-e Rustam, Tomb of Darius the Great, Upper relief
- Narbo, Tombstone of a baker's family (poem)
- Nemrud Daği
- Nemrud Daği from a distance
- Nemrud Daği, Eastern Terrace
- Nemrud Daği, Eastern terrace, General view
- Nemrud Daği, Tumulus
- Nemrud Daği, Western Terrace
- Nemrud Daği, Western terrace, Heads of gods and an eagle
- Nemrud Daği, Western terrace, Sunset
- Neuss, Tombstone of Oclatius Carvus from Tongeren
- Neuss, Tombstone of Tib. Julius Pancuius
- New Paphos, Royal Tomb 8
- Nicaea, Funerary relief of Menas
- Nicomedia, Hellenistic Funerary relief
- Nicomedia, Sarcophagus
- Nijmegen, "Lead Lady"
- Nijmegen, Inscription mentioning three relatives in X Gemina
- Nijmegen, Inscription of Bisius of X Gemina
- Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Site of the cemetery
- Nijmegen, Tomb of a girl of about ten years old (1)
- Nijmegen, Tomb of a girl of about ten years old (2)
- Nijmegen, Tombstone of Scanius of X Gemina
- Nijmegen, Tombstone of the augustalis Sex. Secundius Felix
- Nijmegen, Voorstadslaan: site of the cemetery
- Nimrud, Tomb
- Nisibis, Church, Tomb of Mar Yacob
- Novae, tombstone of Severus of VIII Augusta
- Nuri, Pyramid
- Nuri, Pyramids
- Oenoanda, Lycian tomb
- Oescus, Tombstone of P. Scribonus of V Macedonica
- Orchomenos, Tombstone of a Roman girl
- Ostia, Relief of a warship
- Ostia, Via Severiana, Relief of a physician
- Paestum, Tombs, Painting of a ritual fight
- Palmyra, Tombstone of a family
- Palmyra, Tombstone of a lady
- Palmyra, Tombstone of a lady ("the beauty of Palmyra")
- Palmyra, Tombstone of a man
- Palmyra, Tombstone of a mother and daughter
- Palmyra, Tombstone of a priest
- Palmyra, Tombstone of Aqma
- Palmyra, Tombstone of Tamma and Šabhei
- Palmyra, Tombstone of Zabd'atch
- Palmyra, Valley of the tombs
- Pasargadae
- Pasargadae photos
- Pasargadae, Tomb of Cyrus
- Pasargadae, Tomb of Cyrus (5)
- Pasargadae, Tomb of Cyrus, Chamber
- Pasargadae, View from the Tall-e Takht
- Patara, Lycian tombs
- Patara, Roman sarcophagus
- Patara, Sarcophagus of the champion Theronides
- Pella, Tombstone
- Pella, Tombstone of a Macedonian warrior
- Pella, Tombstone of Makartos Delios
- Pella, Tombstone of Makartos Delios, ship
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 01: Heracles and the Nemean Lion
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 02: Heracles and the Hydra
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 03: Heracles and the Ceryneian Hind
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 04: Heracles and the Erymanthian Boar
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 05: Heracles and the Augean Stables
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 06: Heracles and the Stymphalian Birds
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 07: Heracles and the Cretan Bull
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 08: Heracles and the Mares of Diomedes
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 09: Heracles and the Belt of Hippolyte
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 10: Heracles and the Cattle of Geryon
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 11: Heracles and the Apples of the Hesperides
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 12: Heracles and Cerberus
- Perinthus, Tombstone of Paulus of III Italica
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon (1)
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon (2)
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Platform
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Relief of carriers
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Relief of flowers
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Relief of soldiers
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Sarcophagus
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Upper register
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Upper register (Drawing by Cornelis de Bruijn)
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes III
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes III Ochus (1)
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes III Ochus (2)
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes III Ochus, Sarcophagus
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes III Ochus, Upper register
- Persepolis, Unfinished Tomb
- Persepolis, Unfinished Tomb, Relief
- Petra, Royal Tombs, Corinthian Tomb
- Petra, Royal Tombs, Palace Tomb
- Petra, Royal Tombs, Tomb with the Urn
- Petra, Siq, Tomb of the Obelisks
- Petra, Siq, Treasury (1)
- Petra, Siq, Treasury (2)
- Petra, Tomb of Sextius Florentinus
- Pharsalus, Funerary stela with a relief of a flower offering
- Philippi, tombstone, recycled as pavement of the Via Egnatia
- Phocaea, Rock tomb
- Phrygia, Tombstone of Trophimus
- Piraeus, Farewell stela
- Piraeus, Funerary stela of Damasistrate
- Piraeus-Kaminia, Funerary stela of Panchares
- Plovdiv, Dedication to Basiliscus
- Plovdiv, Tombstone of Redemptus
- Poreč, Tombstone of Moranus of VIIII Hispana
- Psargadae, Tomb of Cyrus (1)
- Psargadae, Tomb of Cyrus (2)
- Psargadae, Tomb of Cyrus (3)
- Psargadae, Tomb of Cyrus (4)
- Psargadae, Tomb of Cyrus, Lower rows of stones
- Ptolemais, Tomb of the gladiator Hermes
- Pula, Dedication to T. Settidius
- Punic funerary stele
- Pydna, Tombstone mother and child
- Pydna, Tombstone of a horseman
- Pylos, Mycenaean tomb
- Pyramids model
- Pyramids of Nuri
- Qasr Banat, Mausoleum
- Qasr Banat, Mausoleum, lower room
- Qasr Banat, Mausoleum, upper room
- Qsarnaba, Tombs
- Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Dome
- Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Exterior
- Ravenna, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Interior
- Ravenna, Mausoleum of Theodoric
- Ravenna, Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Sarcophagus
- Reims, Sarcophagus of Jovinus
- Reims, Urn in a lead case
- Relief of Polyphemus throws a rock to Odysseus' ship
- Remagen, Tombstone of Dasmenus
- Remagen, Tombstone of Meteriola
- Rhodes, Relief of a Funeral Meal
- Rhodes, Relief of a soldier (archaizing)
- Rhodes, Tomb of a young hunter
- Rhodes, Tombstone of a Woman
- Rhodiapolis, Reconstructed tomb of Opramoas
- Rhodiapolis, Theater (2)
- Road to Nemrud Daği (4)
- Rome, Cinerary urn of Saturninus of II Parthica
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, General view
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Inner tomb
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Interior (1)
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Interior (2)
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Model
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Pedestal of an urn
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, Rotunda
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, tombstone of Agrippina I
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, tombstone of Marcellus
- Rome, Mausoleum of Augustus, tombstone of Tiberius
- Rome, Mausoleum of Caecilia Metella
- Rome, Mausoleum of Caecilia Metella, Tombstone of the lictor Chrestus
- Rome, Pyramid of Cestius
- Rome, Pyramid of Cestius from the east
- Rome, Pyramid of Cestius from the south
- Rome, Pyramid of Cestius from the west
- Rome, Pyramid of Cestius, Inscription
- Rome, Sarcophagus with Prometheus and Athena creating the first humans
- Rome, Tomb of Eurysaces
- Rome, Tomb of Eurysaces from the north
- Rome, Tomb of Eurysaces from the north, relief
- Rome, Tomb of Eurysaces, model
- Rome, Tombstone of a lictor named Marcus Vergilius
- Rome, Tombstone of Alagria Ingenua
- Rome, Tombstone of Pomponius
- Rome, Tombstone of Tacitus
- Rome, Tre Fontane, Tomb of Quintus Sulpicius Celsus
- Rome, Via Appia (011R), Tomb of the Athlete
- Rome, Via Appia (015L), Sepolcro rotondo
- Rome, Via Appia (019R), Square tomb
- Rome, Via Appia (020R), Tomb of Hilarius Fuscus
- Rome, Via Appia (026R), Tomb of the Rabirii
- Rome, Via Appia (040R), A family tomb
- Rome, Via Appia (041L), Columbarium
- Rome, Via Appia (047R), Tonbstone of three Jewish freedmen
- Rome, Via Appia (050R), Round tomb
- Rome, Via Appia (051R), Tomb of the Curatii
- Rome, Via Appia (052L), Pyramid
- Rome, Via Appia (053R), Tomb of the Horatii
- Rome, Via Appia, Relief of four men
- Rome, Via Appia, Relief of P. Aiedius Amphio and Aiedia
- Rome, Via Appia, Sarcophagus of Dionysus and Ariadne
- Rome, Via Appia, Tombstone of Habib of Palmyra
- Sabratha, First Punic tomb
- Sagalassus, Rock Tombs
- Salamis, Royal Tomb 3
- Salona, Sarcophagus of Julia Aurelia Hilaria
- Salona, Tombstone of Dolens of X Gemina
- Salona, Tombstone of Fuficius of XX Valeria Victrix
- Salona, Tombstone of Pontianus of I Italica
- Salona, Tombstone of Trebonius of VII Claudia
- Salona, Tombstone of Vatinius of VII Claudia
- Sangarius and Kus tepe
- Saqqara
- Saqqara, Pyramid of Djoser with dromedary
- Saqqara, Pyramid of Djoser, Court
- Saqqara, Pyramid of Djoser, Model
- Saqqara, Pyramid of Userkaf
- Saqqara, Sarcophagus of Nectanebo II
- Saqqara, Tomb of Horemheb, POWs
- Sarcophagus of Nesshutefnut
- Sarcophagus of the Niobids
- Sarcophagus of the Niobids, detail
- Sardes, Christian sarcophagus
- Sardes, Sarcophagus
- Scamander sarcophagus
- Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schirenhof, Tombstone (copy)
- Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Ceiling
- Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Ceiling without columns
- Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Façade
- Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Façade
- Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, General view
- Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Illegible inscription
- Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, One of the arches
- Seleucia in Pieria, Beșikli Mausoleum, Rock tomb
- Seleucia in Pieria, Canal with rock tombs
- Seleucia in Pieria, Rock tombs (1)
- Seleucia in Pieria, Rock tombs (2)
- Seleucia in Pieria, Rock tombs (3)
- Seleucia in Pieria, Sarcophagus with the Dioscuri
- Seleucia, Rock tombs
- Šempeter, Cremation tomb
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius (1)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius (2)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief, Portraits
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus (1)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus (2)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus, Inscription (lower part)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus, Inscription (upper part)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus, Portaits
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii (1)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Central relief
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Foundation
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Inscription
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Right-hand side
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Inscription
- Šempeter, Tombstone of Secundianus
- Sétif, Basilica A, Mosaic of Cresconia
- Sétif, Basilica B, Mosaic of Adeodatus
- Sétif, Christian tombstone of Constantius
- Sétif, Tombstone of a soldier of III Italica
- Shingardar
- Shingardar, stupa
- Shingardar, stupa foundations
- Side, Late Roman sarcophagus
- Side, Sarcophagus with a relief of a cat
- Sidon, College excavations, Roman sarcophagi
- Sidon, Funerary stele of Asclepas and Margalis
- Sidon, Funerary stele of Romia
- Sidon, Funerary stele of Salmamodes
- Sidon, Roman ossuary
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 1, Egyptian-style sarcophagus
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 1, Sarcophagus of the mourning women
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 2, Mixed Egyptian-Greek-style sarcophagus
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 2, Sarcophagus of Tabnit
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 3, Sidon, Alexander Sarcophagus
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 4, Lycian sarcophagus (1)
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 6, Sarcophagus of the satrap
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 7, Greek-style sarcophagus
- Sidon, Sarcophagus with the punishment of Marsyas
- Sirkap, stupa of the double-headed eagle (1)
- Sirkap, stupa of the double-headed eagle (2)
- Sirmium, Christian inscription
- Sirmium, Sarcophagus
- Smyrna, Tombstone of a centurio's slave
- Smyrna, Tombstone of a gladiator from the team of Satornilos
- Smyrna, Tombstone of a retiarius named Apollonius
- Smyrna, Tombstone of a retiarius named Euchrus
- Soumaa d'el Khroub
- Soumaa d'el Khroub, Mausoleum of a Numidian king (1)
- Soumaa d'el Khroub, Mausoleum of a Numidian king (2)
- Soumaa d'el Khroub, Mausoleum of a Numidian king (3)
- Soumaa d'el Khroub, Mausoleum of a Numidian king (4)
- Soumaa d'el Khroub, Mausoleum of a Numidian king (5)
- Sparta, Temple of Athena Chalkioikos, Inscription of someone killed in action
- Stara Zagora, Inscription mentioning XXX Ulpia Victrix
- Strasbourg, Face urn
- Strasbourg, Mausoleum of the Valerii (model)
- Strasbourg, Tombstone of Lepontius
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Funerary Monument of the Babulei
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Glass Urn
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Tombstone of Julius of II Augusta
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Tombstone of Largennius of II Augusta
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Tombstone of Seranus of II Augusta
- Susa, Handle of a Parthian coffin
- Susa, Mausoleum of Daniel
- Susa, Mausoleum of Daniel, tomb
- Takht-e Rostam
- Takht-e Rostam E
- Takht-e Rostam NE
- Takht-e Rostam NW
- Takht-e Rostam SE
- Takht-e Rostam SW
- Takht-e Rostam, Fastening
- Takht-e Rostam, The platform itself
- Tarentum, Tombstone of Hilarius
- Tarraco, Tower of the Scipiones
- Tarraco, Tower of the Scipiones, detail
- Taucheira, Quarry
- Taucheira, Quarry with rocktombs
- Taucheira, Tomb of Euphrosyne
- Tayma, Aramaic funerary inscription
- Telmessus, Lycian Tomb
- The tombstones of Apamea
- Thebes, Tombstone
- Thebes, Wooden tomb stele of Pamaaf
- Thessaloniki, Rotunda (1)
- Thessaloniki, Tombstone of a Fisherman
- Thuburbo Maius, Vandal church, Funerary mosaic of Arifredus
- Thubursicum Numidarum, Ain el-Youdi, Tombstone
- Thubursicum Numidarum, Tombstone of two very old people
- Thugga, Funerary mosaic of Papirius Fortunatius
- Thugga, Punic tomb
- Thysdrus, Maison d'Afrique, Tombstone
- Tibetan Air Burial (1)
- Tibetan Air Burial (2)
- Tiddis, Bazina
- Tiddis, Christian chapel, Tombs
- Tiddis, Tomb of Lollius Urbicus
- Tilurium, Tombstone of Longinus of VII Claudia
- Tilurium, Tombstone of Marcius of VII Claudia
- Tilurium, Tombstone of Vibius of VII Claudia
- Timgad, Funerary stela of a couple
- Tipasa, Christian mosaic
- Tipasa, Tombstone of Adiutor, a Cananefatic horseman
- Tlos, Acropolis and tombs
- Tlos, House tombs
- Tlos, Rock tombs
- Tombstone with an Etruscan and a Celtic warrior (cast)
- Toulouse, Sarcophagus with a horseman and vines
- Trapezus, Tombstone of a soldier of XV Apollinaris
- Trier, Frankish tombstone with christogram
- Trier, Hariulf Inscription
- Trier, Necropolis of S. Matthias, Hariulf inscription
- Trier, Tombstone of a boy named Florus
- Trier, Tombstone of Ursicinus
- Troy (5)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, cemetery road (1)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, cemetery road (2)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, columbarium
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, eastern part
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, epitaph
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, family tomb with arch (1)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, family tomb with arch (2)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, family tombs
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, general view
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Relief of Psyche
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (1)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (10)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (2)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (3)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (4)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (5)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (6)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (7)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (8)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagi (9)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus (1)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus (2)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus (3)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus (4)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus (5)
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, sarcophagus, detail
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, tombs
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, tower tomb
- Tyre, Al-Bass, Cemetery, Museum Pieces
- Tyre, Lead sarcophagus
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles (1)
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles (2)
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles (3)
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles (4)
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of the Drunken Cupids, back
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of the Drunken Cupids, front
- Tyre, Sarcophagus with a Fighting Scene
- Tyre, Tombstone of Autronius Bassus of the Cohors Italica
- Uch, Mausoleum of Bibi Jawindi (1)
- Uch, Mausoleum of Bibi Jawindi (2)
- Uch, mausoleum of Bibi Jawindi (3)
- Uch, mausoleum of Bibi Jawindi (4)
- Ugarit, Tomb of Rafanu
- Umm Qays, East Tombs, Tomb of the Germani
- Utica, Funeral stela
- Utica, Punic necropolis, Two stelas
- Uvecik Tepe
- Valkenburg, Skeleton of a baby
- Van, Citadel, inside one of the royal tombs
- Van, Citadel, one of the royal tombs
- Van, Citadel, royal tombs: view from the south (1)
- Van, Citadel, royal tombs: view from the south (2)
- Vechten, Tombstone of Valens
- Veii, Villanova urns
- Velitrae, Tomb of Varius Marcellus, Greek inscription
- Velitrae, Tomb of Varius Marcellus, inscriptions
- Velitrae, Tomb of Varius Marcellus, Latin inscription
- Vergina, Great Tumulus
- Vergina, Great Tumulus, façade
- Viatorinus
- Vienna, Burial inscription of an officer of the Tenth Legion Gemina
- Vienna, Tombstone Gaius Atius of XV Apollinaris (cast)
- Villanova hut-urn
- Villevenard, Fragment of a Christian sarcophagus
- Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene (1)
- Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene (2)
- Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene (3)
- Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene (4)
- Viminacium, Dedication by an officer of IIII Flavia
- Viminacium, Imperial mausoleum
- Viminacium, Sarcophagus
- Viminacium, Tomb made of tiles
- Viminacium, tomb of the Mona Lisa (1)
- Viminacium, Tomb of the Mona Lisa (2)
- Viminacium, Tomb of the Mona Lisa (3)
- Viminacium, tomb of the Mona Lisa (4)
- Viminacium, Tombstone 1
- Viminacium, Tombstone 2
- Viminacium, Tombstone 2, Romulus and Remus
- Viminacium, Tombstone 3
- Viminacium, Tombstone 4
- Vinkovci, Tombstone of Herennius
- Volterra, Cinerary chest, Achilles and Troilus
- Volterra, Cinerary chest, Dragging of Dirce
- Wadi el-Amud
- Wadi el-Amud, Inscription
- Wadi el-Amud, Ruin
- Wadi el-Amud, Tower tomb (1)
- Wadi el-Amud, Tower tomb (2)
- Wadi el-Amud, Tower tomb, Foundations
- Wadi Galboon, Tomb
- Wadi Marcit, Tomb
- Wadi Nefud
- Wahibra-Emakhet
- Wahibra-Emakhet
- Wiesbaden, Tombstone of C. Valerius
- Worms, Tombstone of Aurelius Dizza of II Parthica
- Xanten, Cathedral, Tombstone of Batimodus
- Xanten, Cenotaph of Marcus Caelius
- Xanten, Cenotaph of Marcus Caelius (Reconstruction)
- Xanten, Tombstone of Crescens
- Xanthus, Agora, Harpy tomb
- Xanthus, Agora, Harpy tomb and Lycian tomb
- Xanthus, Agora, Harpy tomb, Relief of the harpies and a warrior
- Xanthus, Agora, Lycian tomb (1)
- Xanthus, Agora, Lycian tomb (2)
- Xanthus, Harpy Tomb
- Xanthus, Nereid Monument
- Xanthus, Payava's tomb
- Xanthus, Payava's tomb, Relief
- Xanthus, Pillar of Kherei
- Xanthus, Tomb of Payava
- Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids
- Xanthus, Tomb of the Nereids, Platform
- Xerxes' canal, Funeral mound
- Yazd, Funeral houses
- Yazd, Northwestern "tower of silence" (1)
- Yazd, Northwestern "tower of silence" (2)
- Yazd, Northwestern "tower of silence" (3)
- Yazd, Southeastern "tower of silence" (1)
- Yazd, Southeastern "tower of silence" (2)
- Yazd, Southeastern "tower of silence" (3)
- Yemen, Tombstone of Iglum
- Zeugma, Family tomb
- Zeugma, Funerary stela
- Zeugma, tombstone of a man
- `Halicarnassus, Skeleton of a Carian lady