Religious object
This tag is used on the following pages:
- Aardenburg, Votive offering?
- Aden, Ex voto
- Alacahöyük, "sun disk"
- Alacahöyük, Bronze bull
- Amida, Harput Gate, Cross
- Amphipolis, Herm
- Amulet of Bes from Erebuni
- Amulet of Bes from Iran
- Amulet of Darius
- Andesina, Puits, Astrological tablet (L)
- Andesina, Puits, Astrological tablet (R)
- Ashoka's Rock Edicts
- Aššur, Apotropaic plaque of a bird-apkallu
- Baetyl
- Bavay, Votive offering of a foot
- Beirut, Medal of St. Catharine
- Beirut, Phylacterium
- Boffalora d'Adda, Langobard tomb, Cross
- Bonn, Ritual crown from the cult of Isis
- Brohl, Altar, mentioning VI Victrix
- Bujoru, Votive chariot
- Byblos, Chalcolithic amulets
- Byzantine reliquary with Daniel in the lion's den
- Capernaum, Relief of a Star of David
- Capernaum, Relief of the Ark
- Carnuntum, Vase with a scene from the Mithraic mysteries
- Ceremonial knife with protective deities
- Colijnsplaat, Votive stela to Nehalennia (3)
- Colijnsplaat, Votive stela to Nehalennia (4)
- Cologne, Oil lamp with a Menorah
- Cologne, Votive stela to Nehalennia
- Corinth, Relief of Three Menorahs
- Cyprus, Archaic throne of Astarte
- Dedan, Temple, Column-shaped incense burner (1)
- Dedan, Temple, Column-shaped incense burner (1), Detail
- Dedan, Temple, Column-shaped incense burner (2)
- Dedan, Temple, Column-shaped incense burner (2), Detail
- Dedan, Temple, Double incense burner
- Dedan, Temple, Incense burner with Dedanite inscription
- Dedan, Temple, Offering table with relief of a priest
- Dedan, Temple, Sacrificial table
- Delphi, Omphalos
- Delphi, Temple of Athena Pronaia, Depot, Mycenaean "psi" figurine
- Domburg, Votive stela to Nehalennia (1)
- Domburg, Votive stela to Nehalennia (2)
- Domburg, Votive stela to Nehalennia (3)
- Echmiadzin, Arm of St John
- Elst, Temple, Suovetaurilia
- Enkomi, Statuette of a bull
- Faqra, Tower of Claudius
- Fayaz Tepe, Stupa, inside
- Fayyum, Coptic chalice
- Germa, Sacrificial table
- Glanum, Shrine of Hercules, Altars
- Grand, Dedication to Silvanus
- Griffin on an Assyrian amulet
- Hadrumetum, Catacomb of the Good Shepherd, Good Shepherd
- Isthmia, Mycenaean "Phi" statuette
- Isthmia, Mycenaean "Psi" statuette
- Italica, Amphitheater, Dedication to Juno Caelestis
- Jaulian, votive stupa (1)
- Jaulian, votive stupa (2)
- Jerusalem, Drawing of a menorah
- Kara Tepe, West, Round Stupa
- Kition, Mycenaean "phi" figurine
- Kouklia, Baetyl
- Kouklia, Marchellos, Archaic votive stela
- Lapethos, Lambousa Treasure, Wedding of David and Michal
- Leiden-Matilo, Curse tablet
- Lepcis Magna, Decumanus, Fascinum
- Lustrum
- Luxor, Temple of Montu, Coptic relief with ankh
- Machaerus, Byzantine reliquary
- Magic stela of Bes-Horus
- Manching, Golden trees
- Margian demon