This tag is used on the following pages:
- Aalen, Tombstone with Minerva's owl
- Abydos, Temple of Ramesses II, Kadesh Relief, Hittite Chariot
- Achaemenid bull
- Achaemenid plate with two lions
- Addax or man
- Aden, Ex voto
- Afrosiab, Ambassadors Fresco L10
- Agighiol Tumulus, Applique
- Ain Dara, Lion
- Ain Dara, Orthostats (1) two lions an a sphinx
- Ain Dara, Orthostats (3) sphinx and lion
- Akrotiri, Building B, Room B1, Wall painting of antelopes
- Alacahöyük, Bronze bull
- Alesia, Celtic relief of a chariot
- Alexandria in Troas, Statue of a lion
- Alexandria Troas, Psyche on a dromedary
- Alexandria, Catacombs, Tomb relief
- Amida, Harput Gate, Medieval relief with birds, trees, and felines
- Amphipolis, Basilica A, Mosaic, Detail (2)
- Amphipolis, Basilica A, Mosaic, Detail, Bird
- Amphipolis, Basilica C, Goat-shaped capital
- Amphipolis, Lion
- Amphipolis, Lion, Head
- Ancyra, Roman housetomb (4)
- Andesina, Jardin Huguet, Relief of a panther
- Andesina, so-called Basilica, Mosaic of a panther
- Anisa, Amphora with a hunting scene
- Antioch, Mosaic of Heracles strangling two snakes
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus, detail: child and panther
- Antioch, Sidemara sarcophagus: Lion hunt, detail
- Antiochus I Soter, coin with elephants
- Apamea, Byzantine Palace, Hunters Mosaic
- Apamea, Tombstone of Aurelius Tato, soldier of II Parthica
- Apis, Coin of Julian the Apostate
- Apis, Head
- Apis, Plaque
- Apis, Statuette
- Apollonia, Central basilica (1)
- Apulian horseman
- Argos, Heraion, Sima
- Arlon, Frankish penditive
- Artemis statue, beautiful (4)
- Assos, Temple of Athena, Relief of two bulls
- Aššur, Glazed brick panel with a capricorn
- Athena and an owl
- Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, East Pediment, Horse of Selene
- Athens, Agora, Figurine of Glykon the Snake God
- Athens, Agora, Terracotta of a woman with snakes
- Athens, Ilissos Basilica, Relief of the Nativity
- Athens, Kerameikos, Bull
- Augsburg, Relief of a dog on a wine barrel
- Augusta Emerita, House of the Amphitheater, Fish mosaic
- Augusta Emerita, Mosaic of a hunter on horseback
- Augusta Emerita, Mosaic with fish
- Augusta Emerita, Theater, Wall painting of a lion and an onager
- Augusta Emerita, Theater, Wall painting of a lion hunt
- Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Lintel
- Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Lion
- Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, Shrine, Lion-shaped gargoyle
- Babylon, Figurine of Europa on a bull
- Babylon, Neo-Hittite lion
- Babylon, Procession Street, Decoration, Lion
- Babylon, Procession Street, Decoration, Lions
- Babylonian coin of Seleucus
- Bactrian camel
- Bactrian camel (Chinese)
- Bactrian imitation of an Athenian coin
- Bavay, Roman figurine of a panther
- Beirut, Relief of an eagle and a wreath
- Belevi, Mausoleum, lion (1)
- Belevi, Mausoleum, lion (2)
- Beth Shean, Canaanite stele with a lion and dog
- Bishapur, Relief 3, Horses
- Bishapur, Relief 3, Tribute bearers with an elephant
- Bishapur, Relief 3, Tribute bearers with lions
- Bishapur, Relief 4, Arab embassy with dromedary
- Bishapur, Relief 6, A horse
- Bishapur, So-called Temple of Anahita, bull's head
- Boeotia, Figurine of a dog
- Boeotia, Figurine of Aphrodite
- Boffalora d'Adda, Langobard tomb, Bird
- Bosra, Abstract Byzantine mosaic with two pigeons
- Bosra, Mosaic of a caravan
- Boy with a hare
- Boy with hoop and rooster
- Buffalo and antelope
- Bürgel, Lion
- Buthrotum, Lion Gate, Archaic relief of a lion devouring a cow's head
- Byblos, Bull's head
- Byblos, Figurine of horseman
- Byblos, Persian terrace, Lion
- Byblos, Relief of a lion
- Byblos, Royal Tomb V (Ahirom), Relief of a bull and griffin
- Byblos, Statuette of a hippopotamus
- Byblos, Statuettes of baboons
- Byblos, Temple of Baalat, Figurine of a bull
- Byzantine horse-shaped lamp
- Byzantine reliquary with Daniel in the lion's den
- Byzantine, Dromedary-shaped lamp
- Byzantine, Peacock-shaped lamp
- Caere, Hunter on horseback
- Carlisle, The boar of XX Valeria Victrix
- Carnuntum, Roman she-wolf
- Carnuntum, XIIII Gemina's Capricorn
- Carthage, Funerary stele with elephant
- Carthage, Villa of the Hunters, Mosaic of a hunter
- Castlesteads, Emblems of II Augusta: Capricorn and Pegasus
- Çatalhöyük, Statuette of a woman with two felines
- Chaeronea, Lion monument
- Cherchell, Peacock mosaic
- Chester, Antefix with the badge of XX Valeria Victrix, a boar
- Chios, Roman relief of a donkey pulling a car
- Choga Zanbil, Inner Court, Statue of a cow
- Chryses and bull
- Cirta, Mosaic with the return of a hunter and his dog
- Ciumești, Celtic helmet
- Coin from Acragas
- Coin of Hecatomnus (Zeus and lion)
- Coin of Mazaeus with bull and lion
- Coin of Taras on a dolphin
- Coin of the Bosphorus
- Cologne, Figurine of a woman on a dromedary
- Cologne, Figurine of Cybele on a lion
- Cologne, Frankish bird-shaped fibulae
- Constantinople, Golden Gate, Early Byzantine eagle
- Constantinople, Hagia Sophia, First floor, Mosaic of a spider's web
- Constantinople, Hippodrome, Horses of San Marco
- Constantinople, Hippodrome, Serpent Column, Snake head
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of a child with two ducks
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of a dromedary
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of a griffin and devouring a lizzard
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of a man and his donkey
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of an eagle and a snake
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of two deer
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of two hunters and a tiger
- Coptic jar with decoration of a woman with wild animals
- Corinth, Orientalizing jar
- Corinth, Protocorinthian vase
- Corinth, Stone lion (1)
- Corinth, Stone lion (2)
- Corinth, Stone lion (2) Colored reconstruction
- Cretan seal stone with a bull
- Ctesiphon, Sasanian relief of a boar
- Cumae, Relief of a hero, riding a horse
- Cypro-Archaic I Pottery (person holding two cranes)
- Cyprus, Archaic pottery with a picture of a duck
- Cyprus, Archaic pottery with a picture of a stag
- Cyprus, Hellenistic figurine of Heracles riding a pig
- Cyrene, Eastern basilica, Mosaic of a hunter on horseback
- Cyrene, Temple of Aphrodite, Relief of the nymph killing a lion
- Cyzicus, Charioteer
- Darius' seal, drawing
- Darius' seal, photo
- Dascylium, Frieze of women on horseback
- Dascylium, Relief of two Magians sacrificing a sheep and a bull
- De Bruijn, Pademelon
- Dedan, Temple, Bronze figurine of a lion
- Dedan, Temple, Column-shaped incense burner (1), Detail
- Dedan, Temple, Column-shaped incense burner (2), Detail
- Dedan, Temple, Relief of a lion
- Dedan, Temple, Relief of a priest on a dromedary
- Dedan, Temple, Relief of a serpent
- Dedan, Temple, Relief of ibexes
- Delphi, Treasury of the Siphnians, Gigantomachy, Cybele
- Didyma, temple of Apollo, detail of the decoration of the temple
- Didyma, temple of Apollo, lion
- Diocaesarea, temple of Zeus, decoration: a boar
- Diocaesarea, temple of Zeus, decoration: a bull
- Diocaesarea, temple of Zeus, decoration: a goat
- Diocaesarea, temple of Zeus, decoration: a lion
- Diocaesarea, temple of Zeus, decoration: a ram
- Diocaesarea, temple of Zeus, decoration: a sheep
- Diyarbakir, Tigris bridge, Medieval relief
- Dorestad, Bird-fibula of gilded silver
- Dormagen, Relief of Mithras and the bull
- Dromedaries
- Dromedaries and Camels
- Dromedary (Budapest)
- Dusky Pademelon
- Düver, Phrygo-Achaemenid antefix with horseman and griffin
- Dyrrhachium, Hellenistic coin
- Eagle-shaped Scythian brooche
- Edessa, Fish pool
- Edessa?, Tombstone with an eagle
- Edfu, Ptolemaic Horus, wearing the double pschent crown
- Egyptian dromedary (1)
- Egyptian dromedary (2)
- Egyptian Relief of Heracles and the Nemean Lion
- Eleusis, Sarcophagus with the Calydonian Hunt
- Elst, Temple, Suovetaurilia
- Emporiae, House 2B, altar with themes from the cult of Asclepius (1)
- Emporiae, Roman town: mosaic with fish
- Englum, Tomb of a dog
- Enkomi, Statuette of a bull
- Ephesus, Archaic temple of Artemis, Gold falcon
- Ephesus, Archaic temple of Artemis, Ivory lion
- Ephesus, Parthian Monument, Lucius Verus in a chariot
- Ephesus, Temple of Artemis, Enclosure, Roof, Hhorse
- Epidauros, Lion
- Erebuni, Achaemenid Wall Painting
- Erotic scene with a rooster
- Euffigneix, Statuette of the Celtic god Moccus
- Europa and the bull
- Ezinge, Skull of a dog
- Falerii, Falling Satyr
- Faqra, Large altar, Bull's head
- Fayaz Tepe, Fountain
- Figurine of a dromedary
- Gandaran
- Gebel Barkal, Palace of Natakamani, Lion
- Gerasa, Church of St Elias, Byzantine Mosaic of a Bird
- Ghalagay, Elephant Rock, clue
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, decoration: lion
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North A, decoration: plowing
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief (1)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief (3)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North B, relief (4)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North C, arches with fish
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North D?, hyenas and ram's head
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, animals
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, Hunters
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North E?, Shepherd
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, farmer
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, Hunter, dog, and palm
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, winged lioness
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South C, Cattle traders
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South C, Cattle traders (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South F (4)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South G (2)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South G (4)
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, bird and palm
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, fish
- Ghirza, Mausoleum South NN, predators and bull's head
- Gilău, Relief of Apollo as a horseman
- Gonur Deppe, Horse tomb
- Gordium, Antefix with two leopards
- Gordium, Goat on an ivory inlay
- Gordium, Hellenistic duck
- Gordium, Hellenistic pottery with cranes
- Gordium, Man and a bull on an ivory inlay
- Gordium, Revetment plaque with two goats
- Gordium, Roman figurine of a hippopotamus
- Gordium, Tomb P, Vase with lion
- Gordium, Tomb P, Vase with lion and ibex
- Gordium, Tomb P, Wooden toy
- Greek rhyton
- Haddat, Dromedary
- Haddat, Elephant
- Hadrian's Wall, Capricorn of II Augusta
- Hadrian's Wall, Relief with the emblems of II Augusta (Capricorn and Pegasus)
- Hadrumetum, Mosaic of a Fish
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Horse of the quadriga (by Pythis)
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Lion (1)
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Lion (2)
- Halicarnassus, Mosaic of a hunt
- Haltern, Bird-shaped oil lamp
- Halys (Kizil Irmak), Upper valley with cattle
- Hamadan, Achaemenid statuette of a bull
- Hamadan, Bull's head
- Hamadan, Hellenistic or Parthian lion
- Hatra, Decoration with dromedaries
- Hatra, Relief of an eagle, a military standard, and the Sun
- Hatra, Relief of two dromedaries
- Hatra, Statue of an eagle
- Hattusa, Sculpture of a bull
- Head of a Nubian with a donkey
- Hegra, Figurine of a goat
- Hegra, Figurine of an eagle
- Herodotus on the gold-digging "ants"
- Herodotus on the hippopotamus
- Himera, Victory temple, Lion-shaped sima's
- Hydaspes, coin
- Idalion, terracotta bird
- Indian Capital
- Iranian Azerbaijan, Disk with a deity with two wild animals
- Istakhr, Achaemenid bull's head
- Isthmia, Archaic Temple of Poseidon, Decoration
- Italica, House of the Birds, Mosaic
- Italica, House of the Birds, mosaic, duck
- Italica, House of the Neptune Mosaic, Crocodile
- Janzur, Tomb painting
- Kanesh, Lion-shaped drinking vessel
- Kara Tepe, Frieze of an elephant
- Karanovo, Tomb of Rhoemetalces III, Chariot burial
- Karanovo, Tomb of Rhoemetalces III, Horse burial
- Karatepe, North Gate relief, Fight against a lion
- Karchemish, Neo-Hittite relief of a dromedary
- Karchemish, Neo-Hittite relief of a fight against a lion
- Karchemish, Neo-Hittite relief of a hero with animals
- Kavala, Animal capital
- Kazanlak, Tomb, Painted ceiling, Chariot with horses
- Kerkouane, Figurine of lion
- Khorsabad, Relief of a horse
- Knossos, Minoan bull-shaped rhyton
- Knossos, Statuette of a woman holding two snakes
- Knossos, Wall painting of people jumping on a bull
- Kouklia, Marchellos, Archaic lion head
- Kouklia, Marchellos, Archaic statue of a man with a lion
- Kourion, Duck-shaped Roman lamp
- Kyrgyzstan
- Langobard fibula with bird motifs
- Lepcis Magna, Asclepius relief
- Lepcis Magna, Cardo, elephant
- Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, inside, eagle
- Lepcis, Arch of Septimius Severus, NW, frieze (2a)
- Letnitsa, the "hero"
- Limyra, Ptolemaion, Statue of a lion
- Limyra, Ptolemaion, Statue of a lion, head
- Luna, Statuette of a boar
- Lutetia, Relief of a sacrificial bull
- Lutetia, Relief with a hunting scene
- Lydian stater
- Maa, Late Bronze pithos decoration: animals
- Maa, Late Bronze pithos decoration: chariot (1)
- Maa, Late Bronze pithos decoration: chariot (2)
- Madauros, Byzantine fort with goats
- Madauros, Forum with goats
- Mainz, Tombstone of Maris, the Arabian horseman
- Mamertine coin
- Manching, Pot with a stag
- Manching, Statuette of a boar
- Margian demon
- Melitene, Inscription and relief of a lion hunt
- Memphis, statuette of an Apis bull
- Mihai Eminescu, Fish-shaped horsegear
- Milan, Forum, Mosaic of a feline
- Milan, Relief with a hunting scene
- Miletus, Theater, Decoration: erotes fighting animals (1)
- Miletus, Theater, Decoration: erotes fighting animals (2)
- Miletus, Theater, Decoration: erotes fighting animals (3)
- Motya, Animal figurines
- Motya, House of the Mosaics, mosaic (2)
- Motya, House of the Mosaics, mosaic (3)
- Motya, Plate with representations of three types of fish
- Msletten II, Northern tomb, Dromedaries blocking our approach
- Murex
- Musawwarat es-Sufa, Great Enclosure, Main entrance, Capstone with a lion
- Musawwarat es-Sufa, Temple of Apedemak, Relief of cattle
- Mycene, Dagger with lion hunt
- Mycene, Lion Gate
- Myra, Church of the tomb of St Nicholas, Decoration
- Myra, Theater, Seat, Dolphin
- Napata, Northern Pyramids, Tomb of Amani-Shakheto, Cup with snakes
- Naqada I-II, Aquatic animals
- Naqada II, Fish-shaped palet
- Naqada II, Pottery with cranes
- Naqada II, Vase with giraffes
- Naqada Period, Hippopotamus-shaped vase
- Naqš-e Rajab, Investiture relief of Shapur I, Ahuramazda (1)
- Naqš-e Rajab, Investiture relief of Shapur I, Ahuramazda (2)
- Naqš-e Rustam, Investiture relief of Ardašir I, Ahuramazda
- Naqš-e Rustam, Investiture relief of Ardašir I, Horses
- Naqš-e Rustam, Parthian relief of a lion
- Narbo, Horrea, Amphitheater scene
- Narbo, Tombstone of a baker's family (poem)
- Nemausus, Coin with crocodile
- Nemausus, Roman mosaic
- Nemrud Daği, Eastern terrace, Altar, Lion
- Nemrud Daği, Eastern terrace, Eagle (1)
- Nemrud Daği, Eastern terrace, Eagle (2)
- Nemrud Daği, Eastern terrace, Lion
- Nemrud Daği, Western terrace, Headless eagle and lion
- Nemrud Daği, Western terrace, Heads of gods and an eagle
- Nemrud Daği, Western terrace, Horoscope
- Neuss, Koelnerstrasse, Hypocaust tile decorated with a horse
- Neuss, Tile from a hypocaust with paws of a badger
- New Paphos, Acropolis, Hellenistic mosaic of two dolphins
- Nicosia, Roman Oil Lamp with bird
- Niha, Altar with lions
- Niha, Large Temple, Lintel with relief of an eagle
- Niha, Large temple, Relief of a lion
- Niha, Roman altar
- Niha, Small temple, Lion-shaped gargoyle
- Nijmegen, Animal-shaped oil bottle
- Nijmegen, Kops Plateau, Imported mackerel
- Nijmegen, Oil lamp, Jupiter and his eagle
- Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Officers' mansion, Wall painting of a deer and a peacock
- Nimrud, Black obelisk of Šalmaneser III: camels
- Nimrud, Figurine of a Syrian-style bull
- Nimrud, Lion-shaped weight of three mina
- Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Vulture
- Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt (1)
- Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt (2)
- Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt (3)
- Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt (4)
- Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt (7)
- Nineveh, Palace of Aššurbanipal, Aššurbanipal's Lion Hunt (8)
- Nisibis, Roman mosaic with aquatic animals
- Novocherkassk, Vessel with an elk handle
- Oberaden, Medal (phalera) with a dog
- Old Paphos, Evreti, Tomb 8, mirror handle with a lion hunt
- Old Paphos, House of Leda, Mosaic of Leda and the Swan
- Old-Assyrian rhyton
- Olympia, Figurine of a dolphin
- Olympia, Statuette of a horse
- Olympia, Temple of Zeus, Metope of the Bull of Marathon
- Olympias and snakes
- Ostia, Piazzale delle corporazioni, Sabratha
- Ostia, The geese of the Capitol
- Oxyrhynchus, Relief of four men and a crocodile
- Palmyra, Diocletianic Camp, Relief of a dromedary, a merchant, and a soldier
- Palmyra, Temple of Ba'al Šamem Relief of the eagle-god
- Panagyurishte Treasure, Rhyton with a stag's head
- Parthian mounted archer
- Pella, Bronze eagle
- Pella, House of Dionysus, Mosaic of Dionysus on a panther
- Pella, House of the Abduction of Helen, Mosaic of a stag hunt
- Pella, House of the Lion Hunt Mosaic, Mosai of Craterus and Alexander during a lion hunt
- Pella, Relief of a veteran named Hephaestion
- Pella, Statuette of a horseman
- Pergamon Altar, detail (2)
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 01: Heracles and the Nemean Lion
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 03: Heracles and the Ceryneian Hind
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 04: Heracles and the Erymanthian Boar
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 06: Heracles and the Stymphalian Birds
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 07: Heracles and the Cretan Bull
- Persepolis, Apadana, Dog's head
- Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Northern part, Bull
- Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Northern part, Chariot drawn by Nesaean horses
- Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Northern part, Lion and bull
- Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Northern part, Lion attacking a bull
- Persepolis, Apadana, Lion capital
- Persepolis, Apadana, North Stairs, Relief of bull and lion
- Persepolis, Hall of 100 Columns, Bull-shaped capital
- Persepolis, Hall of 100 Columns, Northwestern gate, Bull
- Persepolis, Hall of 100 Columns, Northwestern gate, Bull
- Persepolis, Palace of Artaxerxes, Relief of lion and bull
- Persepolis, Palace of Darius, Relief of the "Royal warrior" killing a lion
- Persepolis, Queen's Quarters, Royal warrior
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes III Ochus, Bull capital
- Persepolis, Tomb of Artaxerxes III Ochus, Relief of lions
- Persepolis, Tripylon, Northern staircase, Relief of bull and lion
- Persepolis, Unfinished Gate, Bulls (1)
- Persepolis, Unfinished Gate, Bulls (2)
- Persepolis, Unfinished Gate, Bulls (3)
- Petra, Siq, Relief of a caravan
- Pharsalus, Krater with a four-horse chariot
- Phoenician-Etruscan dish
- Piazza Armerina, 13 Peristyle, North, Bear
- Piazza Armerina, 23 Guest Room, Four Seasons Mosaic, detail
- Piazza Armerina, 25 Guest Room, Mosaic of a hunt (1)
- Piazza Armerina, 28 Great Hall, Man with an ostrich
- Pompeii, Statuette of a war elephant
- Poroina Mare, Rhyton
- Psammetichus II sacrificing to Thoth, represented as baboon
- Purple heron
- Pydna, Plaque of two griffins killing a stag
- Qasr Banat, Mausoleum, upper room, fish
- Qasr Libya, East church, Annex mosaic, Center (1)
- Qasr Libya, East church, Annex mosaic, Edge
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.01.a (Antelope)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.01.e (Oryx)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.02.a (Ducks, fish, lotuses)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.02.e (Flamingos, fish, lotuses)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.03.a (Stag)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.03.b (Lion)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.03.c (Eagle)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.03.d (Lioness)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.03.e (Stag)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.04.a (Bear)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.04.e (Crocodile, duck, and lotuses)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.05.a (Bull)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.05.b (Zebra)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.05.d (Zebra)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.05.e (Bull)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.06.a (Fish)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.06.b (Horseman)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.06.d (Horse)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.06.e (Ducks and lotuses)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.07.a (Ostrich)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.07.c (Peacock)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.07.d (Birds)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.07.e (Ostrich)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.08.a (Fish)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.08.d (Leopard)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.09.a (Fish)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.09.b (Bull)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.09.c (Birds)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.09.d (Ram)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.10.a (Fish)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.10.e (Fish)
- Ram sphinx of Taharqo
- Relief of a bird chase
- Relief of cats chasing birds
- Relief with a hunt
- Remagen, Young man with eagle, perhaps Ganymede
- Rhodes, Mycenaean jar with a bull (LH IIIa2)
- Rhodes, Relief of a Funeral Meal
- Rhodes, Relief with the rape of Brygindis
- Rogozen Treasure, jar with lion and bull
- Roman mosaic of a goat
- Roman she-wolf
- Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Sacrifice of a bull
- Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Aquatic mosaic (2)
- Rome, Capitol, Marcus Aurelius on horseback
- Rome, Forum Romanum, Lacus Curtius, Relief of Curtius' self-sacrifice
- Rome, Forum Romanum, Lacus Curtius, Relief of Curtius' self-sacrifice (copy)
- Royal Warrior
- Saba, the Arab warrior Mushayqat Hamayat ibn Yusuf on a dromedary
- Sabratha, Church mosaic of a peacock
- Salmas, Rock relief, Ardašir I on horseback
- Salmas, Rock relief, Shapur's horse
- Samos, Temple of Hera, Statue of three goddesses and a lion
- Sanam, Temple of Taharqo, Four baboons
- Saqqara, Pyramid of Djoser with dromedary
- Saqqara, Serapeum, Stela of Cambyses venerating the Apis
- Sardes, Synagogue, Table, Eagle (1)
- Sardes, Synagogue, Table, Eagle (2)
- Sardes, Temple of Artemis, Commemorating a venatio
- Sasanian relief of a lion
- Scythian shield emblem in the shape of a stag
- Seleucia in Pieria, Weight (bull)
- Seleucia in Pieria, Weight of half a mina (horse)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief of birds
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Hunter with a hare
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Relief of a bird hunter
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Relief of a deer hunter
- Side, Relief of an eagle
- Side, Sarcophagus with a relief of a cat
- Sirmium, Dolphin
- Sirmium, Lion
- Slonta, Pigs and people
- Slonta, Snake
- Slonta, Snake and humans
- Slonta, Snake's head
- Slonta, Snake's tail
- Smintheum, Relief of a bird
- Snake plate
- Sokh, Snake amulet
- Soli, Figurine of a satyr on a donkey
- Soumaa d'el Khroub, Medal (deer)
- Sparta, Laconian bowl
- Stara Zagora, Mosaic of a hare
- Statuette of a dog
- Statuette of a hippopotamus
- Strasbourg, Equestrian statue of Jupiter
- Strasbourg, Oil lamp in the shape of a cow's head
- Strasbourg, Relief of Epona
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Eagle
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Lion (1)
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Lion (2)
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Oil lamp
- Suovetaurilia
- Susa, Apadana, Capital
- Susa, Gold plate with royal warrior
- Susa, Sacrifice of goat
- Susa, Soldiers' Relief, Lion (2)
- Susa, Soldiers' Relief, Lion (2)
- Susa, Stone fish (1)
- Susa, Stone fish (2)
- Syracuse, Olpe with sphinxes and a bird (Leontini Painter)
- Taharqo and Hemen
- Tapioszentmarton, Scythian shield emblem in the shape of a stag
- Taq-e Bostan, Large cave, Hunting scene (2)
- Taq-e Bostan, Large cave, Hunting scene (3)
- Taq-e Bostan, Large cave, Hunting scene: Boars
- Taq-e Bostan, Large cave, Hunting scene: Elephant
- Taq-e Bostan, Large cave, Lower relief
- Tarentum, A boy and his horse (Sarpedon painter)
- Tarraco, Mosaic with fish
- Tarraco, Wall painting with a hunting scene
- Tarsus, Mosaic of Orpheus
- Taucheira, Palace Church, mosaic 1: lizard
- Taucheira, Palace Church, mosaic 3: hare
- Taucheira, Palace Church, mosaic 5: wolf
- Taucheira, Palace Church, mosaic 6: duck
- Taucheira, Palace Church, mosaic 7: fish
- Taucheira, Palace Church, mosaic 8: pelican
- Tepe sialk, Jar from the fourth millennium BCE, decorated with ibexes
- Tepe Sialk, Pot from the fourth millennium BCE, decorated with an ibex
- The Nile with cows
- Thebes, Statuette of a hippopotamus
- Thelsae, Sanctuary, Interior, Eagle
- Thessaloniki, Corinthian Pottery with a lion
- Thessaloniki, Mosaic with Fish
- Thoth, represented as an ibis
- Thysdrus, House of the Dionysiac Procession, Mosaic of lions
- Thysdrus, Sollertian House, Mosaic with the execution of criminals (1)
- Thysdrus, Sollertian House, Mosaic with the execution of criminals (2)
- Tiddis, Cave of Mithras, Relief of a bull's head
- Tiddis, Sherd with the execution of a Christian
- Tigranocerta, Ram's Head
- Tile stamp of XXII Primigenia (lion)
- Tivoli, Canopus, Crocodile
- Tongeren, Wall painting of a peacock
- Trier, Circus, Statue of a bear and a boar
- Trier, Large floor mosaic with animals
- Trier, Mosaic of a duck
- Trier, Relief with Epona
- Troy VIII, Metope of Helius
- Tyre, City, Octagonal building, Surrounding portico on the southeastern side, Egyptian-style decoration: uraei
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles (4)
- Ugarit, Bronze falcon
- Ur, Royal Tombs, Harp, Bull's head
- Ur, Royal Tombs, Ram in a Thicket
- Urartian ram
- Urartian ram
- Uthina, House of the Laberii, Mosaic of hunters
- Utica, Oil lamp with a lion and a crocodile
- Utica, Oil lamp with a lion and a panther
- Varahsha, Relief of a hunter
- Vase with a painted horse
- Vase, decorated with birds
- Vechten, Helmet decorated with a bird of prey
- Vechten, Helmet decorated with a bird of prey (detail)
- Vechten, Helmet decorated with a snake
- Veii, Portonaccio Sanctuary, Relief of a horseman
- Vernești, Lid in the shape of a boar
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Execution of Garamantes in the Amphitheater of Lepcis
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Fight against ostriches
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, gladiator mosaic, Fish
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic (3)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic (4)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic (5)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, fish (1)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, fish (2)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, land animals and birds (1)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, land animals and birds (2)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, Nilotic scene (1)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, seasons mosaic, Nilotic scene (2)
- Villa of the Nile Mosaic, Hunting scene (1)
- Villa of the Nile Mosaic, Hunting scene (2)
- Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 2, a
- Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 2, c
- Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 3, a
- Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 3, b
- Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 3, c
- Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting birds (1)
- Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting birds (2)
- Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting birds (3)
- Villa Selene, Atrium, wall painting birds (4)
- Villa Selene, Terrace, mosaic of pygmee and a crane
- Villa Selene, Terrace, mosaic of pygmees and a crane
- Villa Selene, Terrace, mosaic of pygmees and a crocodile
- Villa Selene, Terrace, mosaic of pygmees and ducks
- Viminacium, Celtic cup
- Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene (1)
- Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene (3)
- Viminacium, Christian tomb with a hunting scene (4)
- Viminacium, Tomb of the Mona Lisa (3)
- Viminacium, tomb of the Mona Lisa (4)
- Vindolanda, The boar of XX Valeria Victrix (1)
- Vindolanda, The boar of XX Valeria Victrix (2)
- Volubilis, Dog
- Vouni, Temple of Athena, Two lions attacking a bull
- Wadi al-Binya, Relief of a dromedary plowing the land
- Wadi Awis, Bees' nest
- Wadi Imla, Archer and ostrich
- Wadi Imla, Cattle
- Wadi Imla, Dromedaries and hunters
- Wadi Imla, Dromedary, cut into an older work of art
- Wadi Imla, Giraffe
- Wadi Imla, Horse
- Wadi Imla, Hunters on dromedaries
- Wadi Mathendous, Buffalo
- Wadi Mathendous, Bull
- Wadi Mathendous, Cow
- Wadi Mathendous, Crocodile
- Wadi Mathendous, Felines
- Wadi Mathendous, Fennec fox
- Wadi Mathendous, Giraffes (1)
- Wadi Mathendous, Giraffes (2)
- Wadi Mathendous, Hunter and giraffe
- Wadi Mathendous, Lizard?
- Wadi Mathendous, Onagers
- Wadi Mathendous, Rhinoceros
- Wadi Mathendous, Small hunter and a big elephant
- Waldgirmes, Statue of a horseman, horse's leg
- Waldgirmes, Statue of a horseman, horsehead
- War elephant
- Weltenburg, Statuette of a bull
- Windisch, Figurine of a military eagle
- Witaszkowo Treasure: An eagle attacking a sturgeon
- Woerden, Metal frog
- Worms, Oil lamp with camel
- Yemen, Dromedary pendant
- Yemen, Relief of a bird
- Yemen, Relief of two dromedaries
- Yujna Mogila, Rhyton
- Zancle, Coin with dolphin
- Zancle, Lion-shaped antefix
- Zeugma, Funerary stela
- Zeugma, tombstone of a man
- Zhana Mogila, Relief of a lion
- Zincirli, Inner gate, lions
- Zone, Figurine of a satyr on a panther