Livy, Periochae 1-5

Titus Livius or Livy (59 BCE - 17 CE): Roman historian, author of the authorized version of the history of the Roman republic.

A large part of Livy's History of Rome since the Foundation is now lost, but fortunately we have an excerpt, called the Periochae, which helps us reconstruct the general scope. This translation was made by Jona Lendering.

From Book 1

[1.1] Arrival in Italy of Aeneas; his acts.

[1.2] Reign of Ascanius at Alba and the Silvians after him.

[1.3] Romulus and Remus born from a daughter of Numitor, raped by Mars.

[1.4] Amullius killed.

[1.5] City founded by Romulus.

[1.6] Creation of the Senate.

[1.7] War with the Sabines.

[1.8] Supreme booty given to Jupiter Feretrius.

[1.9] People divided into curiae.

[1.10] Fidenates and Veientans defeated.

[1.11] Consecration of Romulus.

[1.12] Numa Pompilius organized the sacred rituals.

[1.13] Gate of Janus closed.

[1.14] Tullus Hostilius seized part of the land of the Albanians.

[1.15] Clash of the triplets.

[1.16] Punishment of Mettius Fufetius.

[1.17] Tullus consumed by lightning.

[1.18] Ancus Martius defeated the Latins, founded Ostia.

[1.19] Tarquinius Priscus overcame the Latins, founded the Circus,note subdued the neighboring people, and built the walls and sewer system.

[1.20] Flames near the head of Servius Tullius.

[1.21] Servius Tullius defeated the Veientans, divided the people in classes, and dedicated the sanctuary of Diana.

[1.22] Having killed Tullius, Tarquinius Superbus seized the kingdom.

[1.23] Crime of Tullia against her father.

[1.24] Turnus Herdonius killed by Tarquinius.

[1.25] War against the Volscians.

[1.26] With a stratagem, Sextus Tarquinius seized Gabii.

[1.27] Start of the building of the Capitol.

[1.28] The altars of Terminus and Juventus could not be moved.

[1.29] Lucretia killed herself.

[1.30] Expulsion of Superbus [510 VC].

[1.31] The monarchy had lasted 245 years.

From Book 2

[2.1] [509 VC] Brutus made the people swear that they would never tolerate that someone would be king in Rome.

[2.2] He forced his colleague Tarquinius Collatinus, who was suspect because of his relation to the Tarquinii, to give up consulate and citizenship.

[2.3] He ordered the possessions of the king to be destroyed, and dedicated the land to Mars; it is called Field of Mars.

[2.4] He ordered the decapitation of young noblemen, among whom were his own and his brother's sons, because they had conspired to bring back the kings.

[2.5] The slave who had denounced the conspiracy, whose name was Vindicius, was given freedom. (From his name, the word for release is derived.)

[2.6] When henote lead an army against the kings, who had started a war with the united troops from Veii and Tarquinii, he died in a duel together with Arruns, the son of Superbus; the married women mourned for a year.

[2.7] Consul Publius Valerius [Publicola] granted the people the right of appeal.

[2.8] The Capitol was dedicated.

[2.9] [508 VC] When king Porsenna of Clusium, continuing the war on behalf of