Behistun, minor inscriptions
Behistun or Bisotun: town in Iran, site of several ancient monuments, including a famous inscription by the Persian king Darius I the Great.
Minor inscriptions
On the relief at Behistun, we can read several minor texts, which you can read on this page.

Inscription on top of the Behistun relief, to the left of the flying figure of Ahuramazda.
- \ adam \ Dârayavauš \ xšâyathiya \ vazraka \ xšâya
- thiya \ xšâyathiyânâm \ xšâyathiya \ Pârsaiy \ xš
- âyathiya \ dahyunam \ Vištâspahyâ \ puça \
- Aršâmahyâ \ napâ \ Haxâmanišiya \ thâtiy \ Dâra
- yavauš \ xšâyathiya \ manâ \ pitâ \ Vištâspa \ Vi
- štâspahyâ \ pitâ \ Aršâma \ Aršâmahyâ \ pi
- tâ \ Ariyâramna \ Ariyâramnahyâ \ pitâ \
- Cišpiš \ Cispaiš \ pitâ \ Haxâmaniš \
- thâtiy \ Dârayavauš \ xšâyathiya \ avahya
- râdiy \ vayam \ Haxâmanišiyâ \ thahyâ
- mahy \ hacâ \ paruviyata \ âmâtâ
- \ amahy \ hacâ \ paruviyata \ hyâ \ amâ
- xam \ taumâ \ xšâyathiyâ \ âha \ thâ
- tiy \ Dârayavauš \ xšâyathiya \ VIII \ ma
- nâ \ taumâyâ \ tyaiy \ paruva
- m \ xšâyathiyâ \ âha \ adam \ na
- vama \ IX \ duvitâparanam \ vayam \ x
- šâyathiyâ \ amahy \
I am Darius, the great king, king of kings, king in Persia, king of all nations, the son of Hystaspes, the grandson of Arsames, the Achaemenid.
King Darius says: My father is Hystaspes. The father of Hystaspes is Arsames. The father of Arsames is Ariaramnes. The father of Ariaramnes is Teispes. The father of Teispes is Achaemenes.
King Darius says: That is why we are called Achaemenids; from antiquity we have been noble; from antiquity has our dynasty been royal.
King Darius says: Eight of my dynasty were kings before me; I am the ninth. Nine in succession, in two lines, we have been kings.;

Inscription on the Behistun relief, below the figures of Darius and Gaumâta.
- \ iyam \ Gaumâ
- ta \ hya \ maguš \ a
- durujiya \
- avathâ \ athaha \ adam \ Ba
- rdiya \ amiy \ hya \ K
- ûrauš \ puça \ adam \ xš
- âyathiya \ amiy \
This is Gaumâta, the Magian.
He lied, saying "I am Smerdis, the son of Cyrus, I am king."

Inscription on the Behistun relief, above the figure of ššina.
- \ iyam \ Âç
- ina \ adu
- rujiya \
- avathâ
- \ athaha \ a
- dam \ x
- šâyath
- iya \ am
- iy \ Û
- vjaiy \
This is ššina.
He lied, saying "I am king of Elam."

Inscription on the Behistun relief, above the figure of Nidintu-Bêl.
- \ iyam \ Naditabaira \
- adurujiya \ ava
- thâ \ athaha \ adam \ Nab
- ukudracara \ ami
- y \ hya \ Nabunaita
- hya \ puça \ adam \ x
- šâyathiya \ amiy \ B
- âbirauv \
This is Nidintu-Bêl.
He lied, saying "I am Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Nabonidus. I am king of Babylon."

Inscription on the Behistun relief, on the figure of Phraortes.
- \ iyam \ Fra
- vartiš \
- aduru
- jiya \ ava
- thâ \ athaha \ adam \
- Xšathrita \ amiy
- \ Uvaxštrahya
- \ taumâyâ \ adam
- \ xšâyathiya \ amiy
- \ Mâ
- daiy \
This is Phraortes.
He lied, saying: "I am Khshathrita, of the dynasty of Cyaxares. I am king in Media."

Inscription on the Behistun relief, below the figure of Martiya.
- \ iyam \ Martiya \ a
- durujiya \ a
- vathâ \ athaha \ a
- dam \ Imaniš \ am
- iy \ Ûvjaiy \ x
- šâyathi
- ya \
This is Martiya.
He lied, saying "I am Ummanniš, king of Elam."

Inscription on the Behistun relief, below the figure of Tritantaechmes.
- \ iyam \ Ciça
- taxma \ ad
- urujiya
- \ avathâ \ a
- thaha \ adam \
- xšâyathi
- ya \ ami
- y \ Asaga
- rtaiy \ Uva
- xštrahya
- \ taumây
- â
This is Tritantaechmes.
He lied, saying "I am king of Sagartia, from the family of Cyaxares."

Inscription on the Behistun relief, below the figure of Vahyazdâta.
- \ iyam \ Vahya
- zdâta \ adu
- rujiya \ ava
- thâ \ athaha \ ada
- m \ Bardiya \ a
- miy \ hya \ K
- ûrauš \ puça
- \ adam \ xšâ
- yathiya \ amiy
This is Vahyazdâta.
He lied, saying "I am Smerdis, the son of Cyrus, I am king."

Inscription on the Behistun relief, below the figure of Arakha.
- \ iyam \ Arxa
- \ aduruj
- iya \ avathâ \
- athaha \ adam \
- Nabuku[d]ra
- cara \ amiy \
- hya \ Nabuna
- itahya \ pu
- ça \ adam \ xšâ
- yathiya \ amiy
- \ Bâbarauv \
This is Arakha.
He lied, saying: "I am Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Nabonidus. I am king in Babylon."

Inscription on the Behistun relief, below the figure of Frâda.
- \ iyam \ Frada \
- aduruji
- ya \ avathâ \ athaha
- \ adam \ xšâyath
- iya \ amiy \ Marga
- uv \
This is Frâda.
He lied, saying "I am king of Margiana."
Inscription on the Behistun relief, above the figure of Skunkha.
- \ iyam \ Sku
- xa \ hya \ Saka
This is Skunkha the Sacan.