Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions: collection of Old Persian cuneiform texts from the sixth, fifth, and fourth centuries BCE, left by the Achaemenid kings on their official monuments.
A2Ha, inscription on a column base from Ecbatana

[Old Persian inscription on two column bases made of black diorite; Elamite and Babylonian translations added. It is interesting to see that king Artaxerxes II Mnemon asks forsupport from not only the supreme god Ahuramazda, as was customary, but also from Anahita and Mithra.]
- thâtiy \ Artaxšaçâ \ XŠ \ vazraka \ XŠ \ XŠyânâm \ XŠ \ DHyûnâm \ XŠ \ ah
- yâyâ \ BUyâ \ Dârayavašahyâ \ XŠhyâ \ puça \ Dârayavašahyâ \ Artaxšathra
- hyâ \ XŠhyâ \ puça \ Artaxšathrahyâ \ Xšayâršahyâ \ XŠhyâ \ Xšayâr
- šahyâ \ Dârayavašahyâ \ XŠhyâ \ puça \ Dârayavašahyâ \ Vištâspahyâ \ puça \
- \ Haxâmanišiya \ imam \ apadâna \ vašnâ \ AM \ Anahata \ utâ \ Mitra \ adam \ akun
- âm \ AM \ Anahata \ utâ \ Mitra \ mâm \ pâtuv \ hacâ \ vispâ \ gastâ \ ut
- â \ imam \ tya \ akunâ \ mâ \ vijanâtiy \ mâ \ vinâthayâtiy
Artaxerxes, the great king, the king of kings, the king of all nations, the king of this world, the son of king Darius [II Nothus], Darius the son of king Artaxerxes [I Makrocheir], Artaxerxes the son of king Xerxes, Xerxes the son of king Darius, Darius the son of Hystaspes, the Achaemenid, says: this hall [apadana] I built, by the grace of Ahuramazda, Anahita, and Mithra. May Ahuramazda, Anahita, and Mithra protect me against evil, and may they never destroy nor damage what I have built.
- Pierre Lecoq, Les inscriptions de la Perse achéménide (1997 Paris)