Mount Saphon, north of Ugarit.
 Ugarit, Alphabet tablet
 Ugarit, Stele of the "smiting god"
 Ugarit, Bronze falcon in Egyptianizing style
 Ugarit, Copper and steel axe
 Ugarit, Cretan vase
 Entrance to the Royal Palace of Ugarit
 Ugarit, Royal Palace, General view
 Ugarit, Statuette of a seated god
 Ugarit, Stele with the king of Ugarit in front of the god El
 Ugarit, Stone face
 Ugarit, Temple of Baal, Stele with the king of Ugarit in front of the god Baal Saphon
 Ugarit, Tomb of Rafanu