Voorburg (Forum Hadriani)
 Leidschendam, Rietvink, Bridge
 Voorburg, Tile with the sign of the Classis Germanica Pia Fidelis
 Modern statue of Corbulo in Voorburg
 Voorburg, Rooftile with the sign EXGERINF
 Voorburg, Rooftile with the sign EXGERINF
 Voorburg, Hand of a bronze statue
 Voorburg, Reconstruction of a house
 Voorburg, Dedication by Ulpius December and Verecundus Cornutus
 Sherd, signed "Ianuarius"
 Voorburg, Reconstruction of a kiln
 Voorburg, Model of a street
 Casper Reuvens in Voorburg
 Voorburg, Rooftile with the sign X Gemina
 Voorburg, Rooftile with the sign XXX Ulpia Victrix
 Voorburg, Samian ware