Sidon, Base of a Persian column
 Sidon, Bronze Age bottle
 Sidon, Capital of a Persian column
 Sidon, Coin with a triere
 Sidon-Dakerman, Middle Bronze jar
 Sidon, Funerary statue of a Roman lady
 Sidon, Funerary stele of Asclepas and Margalis
 Sidon, Funerary stele of Dioscurides
 Sidon, Funerary stele of Romia
 Sidon, Funerary stele of Salmamodes
 Sidon, Phoenician statue
 Sidon, Roman doll
 Sidon, Roman ossuary
 Sidon, Sarcophagus relief of a boat
 Sidon, Sarcophagus relief of Psyche
 Sidon, Sarcophagus with the punishment of Marsyas
 Sidon, Statue of a man
 Sidon, Figurine of Aphrodite