Beirut, Byzantine church floor
 Beirut, Envy Mosaic
 Beirut, Hellenistic wall painting (First Pompeian Style)
 Beirut, Inscription mentioning Queen Berenice and King Agrippa II
 Beirut, Inscription of VIII Gallica
 Beirut, marble fragment with the Aqedah (the sacrifice of Abraham)
 Beirut, Mercury or Hermes
 Beirut, Milestone from the age of Nero
 Beirut, Christian phylacterium, invoking the protection of several celestial beings to protect one Alexandra
 Sarcophagus from the Persian age
 Beirut, Medal of St. Catharine
 Beirut, Statue of a Roman lady
 Beirut, Figurine of the Dioscuri
 Beirut, Relief of an eagle and a wreath
 Beirut, Theater mask
 Beirut, Tombstone of Q. Aemilius Secundus, who conducted Quirinius' census in Apamea in Syria
 Beirut, Tombstone of Valerius Rufus of VII Claudia
 Beirut, Torso of a colossus
 Beirut, Tyche