Baalbek, Stairs towards the temple of Bacchus
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Decoration of the stairs to the cella
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Ceiling
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Cella
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Cella, Left parapet
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Cella, Right parapet
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Exterior
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Exterior, Capitals
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Exterior, Column
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Inscription of sultan and emperor
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Lintel
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Mosaic
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Pronaos, Capitals
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, Pronaos, Fries
 Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, View from cella