Motya, Animal figurines
Motya, Anchor
Motya, Approach
Motya, Cappiddazzu Sanctuary
Motya, Casermetta
Motya, Casermetta
Motya, Casermetta, Wall (opus Africanum)
Motya, Greek-Phoenician female mask
Motya, Greek-Phoenician female mask
Motya, Greek terracotta mask
Motya, House of the Mosaics
Motya, House of the Mosaics, mosaic
House of the Mosaics, mosaic of a bull and other animals
Motya, House of the Mosaics, mosaic of animals
Motya, Necropolis
Motya, North gate, facing Mouny Eryx
Motya, North gate
Motya, Port and northern causeway
Motya, Punic sepulchral stela
Motya, Punic sepulchral stela
Motya, Punic sepulchral stela
Motya, Punic sepulchral stela
Motya, Sarcophagus of a girl
Motya, So-called Cothon
Motya, So-called Cothon
Motya, So-called Cothon, model
Motya, So-called Cothon, western area
Motya, Male mask
Motya, Egyptianizing female mask
Motya, Plate with representations of three types of fish
The Motya Kouros