Burnum, Amphitheater
 Burnum, Amphitheater
 Burnum, Amphitheater, Inscription (copy)
 Burnum, Beam balance
 Burnum, Greaves
 Burnum, Keystone of an arch (Hercules)
 Burnum, Oil lamp with an erotic scene
 Burnum, Principia
 Burnum, Tile of IIII Flavia Felix
 Burnum, Tile of VIII Augusta
 Burnum, Tile of VIII Augusta
 Burnum, Tile of XI Claudia
 Burnum, Tile of XI Claudia
 Burnum, Tombstone of a signifer
 Burnum, Tombstone of ..azicus
 Burnum, Tombstone of Dacnas
 Burnum, Tombstone of Imerix the Batavian
 Burnum, Wall surrounding the training ground
 The Manojlovac hillfort (and a splendid waterfall)