Agrippa's world map
 The Alexander Historians
 Polybius' theory of anacyclosis
 Comparative table of Babylonian Chronology
 The end of the archives in Babylon, Borsippa, and Sippar
 Bêl-šimânni and Šamaš-eriba: dates of the tablets
 Biblical genealogy
 Edges of the Earth map
 Reconstruction of the Etemenanki
 Hypothetical map of the temple on top of the Etemenanki
 Family tree of Amestris
 Brutus' Family Tree
 Family tree of the ancestors of Septimius Severus
 Family tree of the ancestors of Septimius Severus
 Family tree of the Argeads
 Family tree of the Attalids
 Family tree of the Gens Furia (fifth and fourth centuries BCE)
 Family tree of the Hecatomnids
 Family tree of the Julii Caesares
 Family tree of the later Pharnacids
 Family tree of the later Pharnacids (Barsine and her husbands)
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