Amulet of Bes from Erebuni
 Amulet of Bes from Iran
 Amulet of Darius
 Statuette of Amun
 Apis, Coin of Julian the Apostate
 Head of an Apis bull
 Plaque with a representation of the Apis
 Statuette of an Apis bull
 Artaxerxes III Ochus
 A Hellenistic or Roman disk with the face of Bes
 Cartouche of Cambyses ("Mesuti-Ra Cambyses")
 Cartouches of Nero
 Cartouches of Ptolemy I Soter
 Ceremonial knife with protective deities
 Dancing Bes
 Dancing Bes and Beset
 Hellenistic figurine of Bes
 Egyptian incense burner (New Kingdom)
 Magic stela of Bes-Horus
 Ostracon with graffito of Bes
 Palermo, Statuette of Bes
 Ptolemy I Soter
 Sarcophagus of Nesshutefnut
 Seal with the god Bes
 Vase, decorated with birds, Dynasty 0
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