Collection of Prehistoric, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Medieval objects. The numismatic collection is one of the largest in Europe. The most famous object is the wrapping of a mummy that is in fact an Etruscan linnen book with a religious text. There is a lovely garden, surrounded by Roman inscriptions and sculpture.
This museum was visited in 2017.
25 pictures related to this museum
 Andautonia, Wall painting
 Fojnica, Head of Medusa
 Dyrrhachium, Hellenistic coin
 Qurna, Stele of Pakheri-Pedjet and Osiris
 Prozor, Late Iron pottery
 Coin of Aurelian
 Klakar, Roman helmet
 Iapodic headgear
 Konjic, Figurine of Venus Pudica
 Votive stele
 Siscia, Statuette of Jupiter
 Cres, Graeco-Illyrian helmet
 Stele of Memy
 Topusco, Dedication to Silvanus
 Salona, Portrait of Plautilla
 Prozor, Late Iron plaque
 Stele of Iahmy
 Zmajevac, Fittings of a scabbard
 Sirmium, Tile with a retiarius
 Krk, Hallstatt helmet
 Vinkovci, Tombstone of Herennius
 La Tène fibula
 Bakarac, Milestone of Florian
 The "Liber Linteus Zagrabiensis"
 Hvar, Stari Grad, Boundary inscription