This museum was visited in 2005.
Mainz, honorific column, Helius
Kaestrich, Pedestals: POWs
Mainz, Tombstone of Titus Pompeius of XVI Gallica
Mainz, Arch of Dativius Victor
Mainz, Inscription of XIIII Gemina
Mainz, Tombstone of L. Marius of XXI Rapax
Mainz, Tombstone of Antiochus, the Parthian Archer
Mainz, Tombstone of Togius Statutus, Scout in a military unit named after Divitia
Mainz, Honorific column
Mainz, Honorific column, Inscription
Mainz, Tombstone of Maris, the Arabian horseman
Mainz, Relief of a Roman couple
Mainz, Tombstone of Gn. Coelius of IIII Macedonica
Mainz, Tombstone of Q. Marcius of XXI Rapax and his son
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Victoria
Mainz, Tombstone with a poem for a girl
Mainz, Tile of VII Gemina
Mainz, Tombstone of G. Julius Niger
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Griffin
Mainz, Dedication to the Eagle of XXII Primigenia
Mainz, Tombstone of M. and G. Cassius of XIIII Gemina
Mainz, Tombstone of Flavoleius of XIIII Gemina
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Germania capta
Mainz, Arch of Dativius Victor, Inscription
Mainz, Head of a Julio-Claudian prince (young Octavian?)
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Looting soldier
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Advancing soldiers
Mainz, Tombstone of L. Varius Sacco
Mainz, Tombstone of Gn. Musius, standard bearer of XIIII Gemina
Mainz, Tombstone of G. Faltonius Secundus of XXII Primigenia
Mainz, Tent peg
Mainz, honorific column, One of the Dioscuri
Medal of Constantius I Chlorus with the bridge at Mainz (copy)
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Auxiliary soldier
Mainz, Inscription of XXII Primigenia
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Griffin
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Fighting soldier
Kaestrich, Pedestals: Marching soldiers
Mainz, Tombstone of L. Valerius Fronto of I Adiutrix
Mainz, Tombstone of Urvinus of XIII Gemina