This category contains 109 articles:
- 280 Tyre's Tribute to Šalmaneser III source
- 287 The Sennacherib Prism source
- 289 Esarhaddon's Nahr al-Kalb Inscription source
- 291 Esarhaddon's Prism B source
- 295 Aššurbanipal Cylinder C source
- 533-534 Treaty of Esarhaddon with Ba'al I of Tyre source
- ABC 9 (Artaxerxes III Chronicle) source
- Abdalonymus article
- Ain Akrine (Qasr Naous) article
- Amioun article
- Ammianus Marcellinus on the tsunami of 365 source
- Ba'al article
- Baalbek photos article
- Baalbek, Bustan al-Khan article
- Baalbek, Museum museum
- Baalbek, Museum Pieces article
- Baalbek, Quarry article
- Baalbek, Ras al-Ain article
- Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus article
- Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter article
- Baalbek, Temple of Mercury article
- Baalbek, Temple of the Muses article
- Baalbek, Temple of Venus article
- Baalbek, Theater article
- Baalbek: Temple of Jupiter, Great Court article
- Baalbek: Temple of Jupiter, Hexagonal Court article
- Baalbek: Temple of Jupiter, Propylaea article
- Baalbek: Temple of Jupiter, Shrine article
- Beirut, Archaeological Museum of the American University museum
- Beirut, National Museum museum
- Beirut, Robert Mouawad Private Museum museum
- Bekaa Valley article
- Berytus (2) article
- Berytus (Beirut) article
- Bsharre article
- Bustan esh-Sheikh article
- Byblos article
- Byblos - Photos article
- Byblos, Well article
- Byzantine Empire article
- Bziza article
- Cedar article
- Coele Syria article
- Diodorus on Antigonus' siege of Tyre source
- Eusebius on the Egyptian martyrs in Tyre source
- Ezekiel announces the Fall of Tyre source
- Faqra article
- Faqra, Byzantine Church article
- Faqra, Destroyed Altar article
- Faqra, Large Altar article
- Faqra, Small Altar article
- Faqra, Temple of Adonis article
- Faqra, Temple of Atargatis article
- Faqra, Tower of Claudius article
- Hannaouiye, "Tomb of Hiram" article
- Heliopolis (Baalbek) article
- Herod Agrippa II article
- Herodotus on Sesostris' Reliefs source
- Herodotus on the temple of Melqart source
- High Place of Worship article
- Hosn Niha article
- John of Ephesus on the end of pagan Heliopolis source
- Jubayl, Museum of Byblos museum
- Jupiter Heliopolitanus article
- Lebanon Mountains article
- Lepcis Magna, Plaza and Nymphaeum article
- Lykos (Nahr al-Kalb) article
- Machnaqa article
- Majdel Anjar article
- Menander of Ephesus source
- Nihata (Niha) article
- Nihata, Large temple article
- Nihata, Small temple article
- Orontes (Nahr al-Asi) article
- Ovid on the Abduction of Europa source
- Palatine Anthology 14.75 source; no body content
- Phoenicians article
- Qsarnaba article
- Sea People article
- Sidon article
- Sidon (2) article
- Sidon (3) article
- Sozomen on the Virgins of Heliopolis source; no body content
- Strabo on Tyre source
- Suffete article
- Suweydie article
- Synesius, Dio 10 source
- The settlement at Triparadisus source
- Tyre article
- Tyre (3) article
- Tyre (332 BCE) article
- Tyre's Juridical Status source
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery article
- Tyre, Al-Bass, aqueduct article
- Tyre, Al-Bass, Arch of Hadrian article
- Tyre, Al-Bass, Byzantine Arch article
- Tyre, Al-Bass, Cemetery, Museum Pieces article
- Tyre, Al-Bass, Hippodrome article
- Tyre, Alexander's Mole article
- Tyre, city, "Tower of Hiram" article
- Tyre, city, Baths article
- Tyre, city, Egyptian Harbor article
- Tyre, city, Octagon article
- Tyre, city, temple of Melqart article
- Tyre, inscriptions article
- Tyre, Museum Pieces article
- Velius Rufus article
- Wen-Amun article
- Zacharias of Mytilene on the end of the temple of Heliopolis source