Ram sphinx of Taharqo
 Pnubs, Statues of Napatan Kings
 Musawwarat es-Sufra, Temple of Apedemak
 Musawwarat es-Sufa, Temple of Apedemak, Relief
 Meroe, Footboard showing POWa
 Figurine of a Nubian captive
 Nuri, Pyramids
 Kerma, Statue of Thuthmose III
 Kalabsha, Coptic tombstone of Manna
 Napata, Northern Pyramids, Tomb of Amani-Shakheto, Bracelet
 Nile, as shown on the World Map of Ptolemy of Alexandria (manuscript from 1467)
 Musawwarat es-Sufa, Temple of Apedemak, Relief of Apedemak
 Musawwarat es-Sufra, Great Enclosure
 Naqa, Relief of king Amanitenmemide of Meroe
 Nuri, Jug of king Aspelta
 Shokan, Magic spell
 Nimrud, Figurine of a Nubian tribute bearer
 Sai Island, Church
 Gebel Barkal, Statue of king Senkamanisken, Head
 Gebel Barkal, Meroite statue of Isis
 Musawwarat es-Sufa, Great Enclosure, Temple 300, Relief
 El-Kurru, Tombs, Wall painting of Anubis
 Musawwarat es-Sufa, Great Enclosure, Main entrance, Capstone with a lion
 Nuri, Pyramid
 Meroe, Tomb of queen Amanikhatashan, Lamp
 Kerma, Pottery
 Semna, Border stele of Senusret III
 Meroe, Northern Pyramids
 Sanam, Temple of Taharqo, Four baboons
 Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Southern part, Nubians
 Shokan, Meroitic pottery
 Napata, Statue of queen Amanimalel
 Thebes, Figurine of Isis Lactans
 Karkheh (Choaspes) before entering Khuzestan
 Pyramids at Nuri
 Musawwarat es-Sufa, Temple of Apedemak, Relief of an elephant and POWs
 Taharqo venerating the falcon-god Hemen
 Kerma, Pottery
 Gebel Barkal, Palace of Natakamani, Lion
 Gebel Barkal, Northern pyramids
 Tumbos, Statue of Taharqo
 Meroe, Stele of prince Taktidamani
 Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Nubian
 Gebel Barkal, the sacred mountain with temple of Amun
 Meroe, Northern Pyramids
 Sphinx of Taharqo
 El-Kurru, Tombs, Wall painting of Isis
 Tell Malyan, View from the west
 Susa, Statue of Darius, Subject t3 nhsy (Kush)
 Gebel Barkal, Pectoral with Isis, Amun, and Horus
 Gebel Barkal, Northern pyramids
 El-Kurru, Perfume bottle with cartouche of king Aspelta
 Musawwarat es-Sufa, Temple of Apedemak, Relief of cattle
 Meroe, Northern Pyramids
 Kerma, Necklace
 Meroe, Northern Pyramids
 Napata, Northern Pyramids, Tomb of Amani-Shakheto, Cup with snakes
 Kerma, Town with (in the background) the structure known as Deffufa
 Nuri, Shabti of Taharqo
 Musawwarat es-Sufa, Great Enclosure, Temple 100, Column with relief of Horus
 Napata, Funerary table
 Napata, Statue of king Aramatelqo
 Gebel Barkal, View of the Nile with Palace of Natakamani
 Utrecht De Meern, Head of a Nubian
 Meroe, Funerary table of prince Tedeken
 Naqa, Figurine of Isis
 Khartoum, Confluence of the White and Blue Nile
 Meroitic jar
 Sai Island, View of the Nile with pharaonic town