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Q131276Thugga (Greek: Τούκκα, Τούλκα): Numidian-Roman city in Africa, modern Dougga.

- c2000 BCE: Settlement occupied
- Numidian temple of Baal Hammon and Punic tomb of Ateban
- Residence of Massinissa after the Second Punic War (218-201)
- Roman civil wars: Thugga and Juba I support Pompey
- Roman settlement (lower town)
- Redesign in the course of the second century: Capitol (166 CE), Square of the winds (with temples of Fortuna, Pietas, and Mercury), macellum, forum, theater (168 CE), House of Dionysus and Odysseus (splendid mosaics), temple of Saturn
- Severan splendor: arch of Septimius Severus, baths of Caracalla, arch of Alexander Severus, temple of Juno Caelestis
- c.260 status of colonia
- Vandal rule (439-533) (church)
- When the Byzantines conquer the area, population decline; Byzantine fortress on the forum
- After the Arabian conquest, a mosque is built near the the Square of the winds