Šempeter, Mausoleum of Secundinus
Šempeter: modern name of an ancient village along the Roman road from Emona (modern Ljubljana) to Poetovio (modern Ptuj), with several funerary monuments.
Mausoleum of Secundinus

Of the four funerary monuments reconstructed at Šempeter, the Mausoleum of Secundinus appears to be the youngest. It can be dated to the third century CE, shortly before the site was destroyed by the meandering river Savinja. The relief shows Gaius Spectatius Secundinus (damaged), who died fifty-five years old, his wife Tutoria Avita, and their son Gaius Spectatius Cerva, who was twenty-eight years old. The inscription refers to a grandson named Rusticius Tutorius, twelve years old, and a Rusticus Albinus, whose age is not given. He must have died in his infancy.
Immediately below the portraits are three further names: Spectatia Severina, twenty-five, Spectatius Avitus, eighty, and Aurelia Severina.