Hippo Regius: port in Numidia, best-known for its fifth-century bishop, Augustine, modern Annaba.
Hippo Regius
- Phoenician colony on the site of a Numidian settlement, situated on a river called Ubus
- Residence of the kings of Numidia (hence the surname Regius, "royal")
- 49-46 BCE: Sided with Caesar against Pompey and was rewarded (trophee on the Forum)
- Given the rank of colonia
- Birthplace of the Roman author Suetonius
- Churches of the Donatists and the official Christians
- Bishopric of Augustine
- 430 Besieged, relieved, and finally captured by the Vandals, who make it their capital in Africa, until they take Carthage
- 534 Captured by the Byzantines
- 698 Captured by the Arabs
Hippo Regius, Numidian stele
Hippo Regius, Inscription of Suetonius (whose name is now missing)
Hippo Regius, Seaward Villas, Mosaic of the Northern Harbor of Hippo
Hippo Regius, Opus Africanum
Hippo Regius, Forum, Vespasian
Hippo Regius, Forum, Germanicus
Hippo Regius, Forum, Lucius Caesar
Hippo Regius, Forum, Hadrian
Hippo Regius, Forum, General view
Hippo Regius, Baptistery
Hippo Regius, Northern Baths
Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Cistern
Hippo Regius, Forum, Trophee
Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Frigidarium, Venus
Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Hercules
Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Figidarium, Bacchus
Hippo Regius, Vandal fibula