Baalbek, Museum Pieces
Baalbek or Heliopolis (Ἡλιούπολις, "sun city"): town in the northern Bekaa valley, site of the largest sanctuary in the Roman world.

Objects from Baalbek can be seen in several museums. In the museum of Baalbek itself, of course, which is in the tunnel under the Great Court of the temple of Jupiter.
Other museums include the National Museum in Beirut (where you can see the Roman funerary mask of gold shown to the right), the Pergamonmuseum in Berlin, and the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul. Here are several photos.
The wreath of golden oak leaves above, now on display in the National Museum in Beyrut, was found in the sarcophagus of a lady, who was buried during the Roman period. Apparently, her eyes, nose, forehead, and mouth had also been covered with sheets of gold, while other sheets had been added to her dress.

The last photo shows a dedication to Sabina, who was, as wife of the emperor Hadrian, the adoptive mother of his successor, Antoninus Pius:
HELIOPOLITANIThe Heliopolitans
to Sabina,
deified mother of the emperor
Antoninus Augustus.