Durocortorum: town of the tribe of the Remi, Roman capital of Gallia Belgica, modern Reims.
Model of Roman ReimsOppidum in northern Gaul of the tribe of the Remi, which became Roman allies during Caesar's conquests
Oval in shape; 90 hectares
When the Romans had established their power, Reims became the capital of one of the "three Gauls", Gallia Belgica; connected with the road network of Agrippa
Amphitheater, baths, theater
Altar of Cernunnos (between Apollo and Mercury)
69 During the Year of the Four Emperors, site of a meeting of Gallic parties siding with Rome
Forum and gates date to to 175-250; it seems to have become fully romanized only then; reduced to gridiron (55 hectares)