Burginatium (Alt-Kalkar)
Q1015090Burginatium: Roman fort, part of the Rhine limes, modern Alt-Kalkar.

Burginatium was an auxiliary fort in the country of the Cugerni, built in the second half of the reign of the emperor Tiberius (r.14-37). The site, not too distant from the river Rhine, has not yet been subjected to full-scale investigations, but a trial excavation (one long trench) has established the position of the walls at two places and several levels of occupation. The fort itself seems to have been used until the end of the third century, but stray finds suggest that the (civil) settlement was not left until the first decade of the fifth century.

An inscription from Burginatium informs us that there was a sanctuary of the native goddess Hludana. Another local deity, Vagdavercustis, is also attested. In the first half of the second century CE, Burginatium was the fort of the Ala Afrorum.
Research with cesium magnetometers, conducted in 2010/2011, has proved that Burginatium was a cavalry base; originally measuring about 3 hectares, it was in its second stage reduced to 2.2 hectares. Today, there site of Burginatium is just a simple field, used by farmers. In the ground, the archaeological remains are safe, so there's no need to hurry with an excavation.