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Valentinian II
Valentinian II: emperor of the Roman world (r.375-392).

- Autumn 371: Valentinianus
- 22 November 375: Valentinianus Augustus
- 15 May 392: murdered by his general Arbogast
Successor of: Valentinian I
- father: Valentinian I
- mother: Justina
Main deeds:
- c.370 Valentinian I marries to Justina, widow of Magnentiusnote
- 375 Death of Valentinian I; Gratian succeeds him; Valentinian II proclaimed emperor too; he rules in Italy
- 376 Consul (with Valens V); Gratian in Rome
- 378 Consul II (with Valens VI); Valens defeated and killed in action by Fritigern's Tervingi at Adrianople; Theodosius I made emperor in the east
- 379 Valentinian II recognizes Theodosius
- 382 The altar of Victoria removed from the Curia Julia; first senatorial deputation, to Gratian
- 383 Revolt of Magnus Maximus; Gratian captured by Andragathius, an officer of Magnus; executed
- 384 Valentinian meets Theodosius I; second senatorial deputation about the altar of Victoria in the Curia, to Valentinian II
- 386 Edict in favor of the Arians; conflict with Ambrose of Milan
- 387 Consul III (with Eutropius); Magnus Maximus invades Italy; Valentinian flees to Theodosius in Thessaloniki; Theodosius marries Galla
- 388 Reconquest of Italy; Edict against heretics; death of Justina; reconquest of Italy; restoration of Valentinian II; third senatorial deputation about the altar of Victoria in the Curia, to Theodosius
- 388/389: Winter in Milan (with Theodosius)
- 389, 13 June: Theodosius, Valentinian II, and the four-year-old Honorius visit Rome
- 389 Arbogast defeats the Franks; Theodosius visits Rome
- 390 Consul IV (with Flavius Neoterius)
- 391 In Gaul
- 392 Fourth senatorial deputation about the altar of Victoria in the Curia, to Valentinian II
- 392, 15 May: Valentinian is killed by Arbogast, who supports the usurper Eugenius (suicide is possible)
Contemporary events
- 387 Baptism of Augustine
Succeeded by: Eugenius, Theodosius I