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Valentinian I
Valentinian I: emperor of the Roman world (r. 364-375).

- 321: Valentinianus
- 25 February 364: Flavius Valentinianus Augustus
- 17 november 375: natural death
co-emperor of Valens; ruled in the west
Successor of: Jovianus
- father: Gratianus
- married to: Marina Severa; Justina
- children:
- From Marina Severa: Gratian
- From Justina: Valentinian II, Justa, Grata, Galla (married to Theodosius I)

Main deeds:
- 364 Death of Jovianus; Valentinian proclaimed emperor; he makes his brother Valens emperor too
- 365 Consul I (with Valens I)
- 366 Defeats the Alamans; bloody riots during papal elections
- 367 Proclaims Gratian emperor; Picts, Scots, Saxons attack Britain
- 368 Consul II (with Valens II); second war against the Alamans; victory over the Franks and Saxons; accepts the titles Germanicus maximus, Alamannicus maximus, and Francicus maximus; Theodosius crosses to Britain
- 369 Successes of Theodosius; Quinquennalia; recovery of the Rhine frontier; Valens defeats the Visigoths; both emperors accept the title Gothicus maximus
- Valentinian I marries to Justina, widow of Magnentiusnote
- 370 Consul III (with Valens III); Alaman war
- 372 Insurrection of Firmus in Mauretania; Pannonia invaded by Quadi and Sarmatians
- 373 Consul IV (with Valens IV); Theodosius defeats Firmus
- 374 Renewed war against the Alamans; suicide of Firmus
- 375 Valentinian moves to Pannonia, proceeds against the Quadi, dies in Brigetio
Contemporary events:
- 365 Earthquake in Africa
- 367 Death of Hilary of Poitiers
- 371 Ausonius' Mosella
- 374 Ambrose bishop of Milan
Succeeded by: Gratian, Valentinian II