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Tiberius II
Tiberius II: emperor of the East-Roman (Byzantine) empire (578-582).

- 574: adopted as caesar, surnamed New Constantine
- 26 September 578: recognized as emperor
- 14 August 582: natural death
Successor of: Justin II
- daughter: Constantia, wife of Maurice
Main deeds:
- 565-574: Comes excubitorum at the court of Justin II
- 570: defeats the Avars
- 574: adopted by Justin II as caesar, surnamed New Constantine
- 578: succeeds Justin II
- 579: general Theophilus suppresses a revolt of the Jews and the Samaritans in Palestine, and kills the pagans in Baalbeknote
- 581/582: death of Mundhir, leader of the Ghassanids
- 582: adopts Maurice; death of natural causes
Succeeded by: Maurice