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Tiberius: second emperor of the Roman world (r.14-37).

- 16 November 42 BCE: Tiberius Claudius Nero
- 19 August 14 CE: Imperator Tiberius Caesar Augustus
- 16 March 37: natural death
Successor of: Augustus
- father: Tiberius Claudius Nero
- mother: Livia
- married to: Vipsania Agrippina; Julia
- son: Drusus the Younger
Early career
- 42 Born in Rome
- 40 To Sicily with his parents
- 39 Return
- 38 Livia marries Octavian
- 33 Death of his father; funeral oration; engaged to Vipsania Agrippina
- 26-25 Military tribune in Spain
- 23 Quaestor
- 20 In the east; negotiations with the Parthian king Phraates IV
- 16 Praetor; marries Vipsania Agrippina; proceeds to Gaul (succeeded as praetor by Drusus)
- 16-15 Governor in Gaul
15 Raetian WarNeuwied-Niederbieber, Tiberius conquering Raetia - 13 Consul
- 12 Divorce
- 12-9 War in Pannonia
- 11 Marries Julia
- 9 End of Pannonian war; ovatio
- 9 Death of Drusus
- 5 War in Germania
- 7, 1 January: Germanic triumph; consul II
- 6 Tribunicia potestas; to Rhodes
- 2 BCE Divorce from Julia
- 2 CE Return to Rome
- 4, 26 June: Adopted by Augustus
- 4-6 Germanic campaigns
- 6-9 Pannonian rebellion
- 10 Inauguration of the temple of Concordia
- 110-12 Germanic war
- 12 Pannonian triumph
Main deeds
14 Accession; assassination of Agrippa Postumus; Sejanus appointed as praetorian prefect; mutinies; Drusus the Younger in Pannonia; Germanicus in Germania InferiorTiberius - 15 Germanicus again in Germania
- 16 Battle of Idistaviso; death of Libo Drusus
- 17 Triumph of Germanicus; he goes to the east; Cappadocia reorganized; rising of Tacfarinas
- 18 Consul III (with Germanicus)
- 19 Jews exiled from Rome; death of Arminius; death of Germanicus
- 20 Trial and suicide of Piso
- 21 Consul IV (with Drusus the Younger); rising of Florus and Sacrovir (Arch of Orange)
- 22 Construction of the Castra Praetoria
- 23 Death of Drusus
- 25 Suicide of Cremutius Cordus
- 26 During a dinner party at Sperlonga, Seianus saves the life of Tiberius; Pontius Pilate becomes governor of Judaea
- 27 Tiberius retires to Capri; collapse of theater in Fidenae
- 28 Execution of Titius Sabinus (maiestas); Frisian revolt
- 29 Death of Livia; exile of Agrippina the Elder and her son Nero
- 31 Consul V (with Sejanus); fall of Sejanus; Macro made praetorian prefect
- 36 Pilate dismissed by Vitellius; Vitellius defeats the Parthian king Artabanus II in support of Tiridates II, who is briefly recognized as king until Artabanus returns
- 37 Death
Buildings in Rome: Temple of Augustus (unfinished); Castra Praetoria
Buildings outside Rome:
Contemporary events
- 16 Ovid's Letters from Pontus
- 17 An earthquake destroys Sardes; death of Gaius Julius Hyginus and Titus Livy
- 18 death of Ovid; Caiaphas becomes high priest
- 20 Tiberias founded by Herod Antipas; death of Hillel
- 21 Death of Sulpicius Quirinius
- 23 Strabo's Geography
- 25 Death of Aulus Cremutius Cordus
- 30 Velleius Paterculus publishes his Roman History; death of Jesus of Nazareth (?); death of Shammai
- 37 Death of Maroboduus
Succeeded by: Caligula