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Psammetichus II

Egyptian names: Neferibra Psamtik II
Successor of: Necho II
Main deeds
- 595: Succeeds his father
- c.593: Attack on Kush (modern Sudan): his generals Amasis and Potasimto reach Kerma (near the third cataract); the Kushites transfer their capital from Napata to Meroe
- Many representations of Kushite rulers on monuments in Egypt destroyed
- 589: Death; he is succeeded by his son Apries
Continued building activity at the temple of Neith in Sais
- Two obelisks at Heliopolis (one of them brought to Rome by the emperor Augustus, and used as a sun dial)
- A temple at Karnak
- Repairs at the temple of Khnum at Elephantine
- Two obelisks at Abydos
- A kiosk at Philae, the first monument on this island
- The temple of Hibis in the Kharga oasis (finished by Darius I or Darius II)