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Procopius of Caesarea (c..495 - after 562): Byzantine courtier and author.

- Born in Caesarea in Palestine, probably at the end of the fifth century CE
- 527: Private secretary and legal adviser (consiliarius) of general Belisarius; joins him on his campaigns
- 533-534: War against the Vandal Kingdom
- 535- 554: War against the Ostrogothic Kingdom (interrupted by a war against the Sasanian Persians)
- Some minor offices; starts making notes for a history of the reign of Justinian
- 542: Victim of the plague
- 550/551: Publishes the History of the Wars
- 554: Publishes the Buildings
- 562: Praefectus urbi
- The Secret History was published postumously
- History of the Wars: an overview of the wars of Belisarius (Books 1-2: Persian War of Justin and Justinian; Books 3-4 Belisarius' campaign against the Vandal Kingdom in Sicily and Africa; Books 5-7: Belisarius' campaign against the Ostrogothic Kingdom in Italy; Book 8: Later Wars until the year 554 (text)
- Buildings: an overview of the monuments built and restored by the emperor Justinian (text)
- Secret History: a hostile biography of the emperor Justinian, the empress Theodora, general Belisarius, and his wife Antonina (text)