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Otho: emperor of the Roman world (spring 69).

- 28 April 32: Marcus Salvius Otho
- 15 January 69: Imperator Marcus Otho Caesar Augustus
- 16 April 69: suicide
Successor of: Galba
- father: Lucius Salvius Otho
- mother: Albia Terentia
- married to: Poppaea Sabina (divorced 62; she married Nero)
Early career
- 32 Born
- 57? Quaestor
- 58/59-68 Propraetor of Lusitania
Main deeds
Bribed the praetorian guard to make him emperor; the soldiers duly kill Galba; Otho seizes the vacant consulshipOtho - Otho inherits the war that Vitellius had launched against Galba;
- the army of Vitellius defeats the soldiers of Otho near Cremona;
- Otho commits suicide (text)
- damnatio memoriae
Succeeded by: Vitellius