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Justinian: emperor of the East-Roman (Byzantine) empire (r.527-565).

- 482: Flavius Petrus Sabbatius
- April 527: made co-ruler by Justin
- 1 August 527: Flavius Justinianus
- 14 November 565: natural death
Successor of: Justin I
- married to: Theodora, daughter of Acacius
Main deeds
- 482 Born in Vederiana
- 525 Marries Theodora
- 526 War breaks out with the Sasanian Empire (Iberian War)
- 527 Succeeds Justin I
- 528 Consul II
- 529 Academy of Athens closed
- 529 Harith, leader of the Ghassanids, recognized as "king of all Arabs", patricius, and responsible for Rome's eastern frontier
530 Belisarius defeats the Persians near DaraJustinian (Barberini Ivory) - 531 In the Sasanian Empire, king Kavad I is replaced by Khusrau I 'deathless soul'; Belisarius defeated near Callinicus
- 532, January: Nika Riots (more...)
- 532, September: "Eternal peace" with Persia, end of Iberian War
- 533 Consul III; codification of Roman law (Institutiones, Digestae) completed; Belisarius leaves for Africa
- 534 Consul IV (with Flavius Decius Paulinus); Belisarius conquers Africa (15 September: enters Carthage)
- 535 Belisarius occupies Sicily; sent to Italy
- 536 Belisarius takes Napels and Rome
- 537 Closure of pagan sanctuaries in Philae
537, 26 December: Inauguration of the Hagia SophiaHagia Sophia - 537-538 Ostrogoths lay siege to Rome
- 539 Ananeosis; Founding of Theodorias
- 540 Belisarius takes Ravenna; Persians sack Antioch
- 541 Fall of John the Cappadocian
- 544 Belisarius again in Italy
- 548 Death of Theodora
- 549 Belisarius replaced by Narses
551 Justinian intervenes in Andalusia; conquest of Carthago Nova; an earthquake destroys BerytusJustinian - 552 Narses conquers Italy
- 553, 5 May: Fifth Ecumenical Council in the Hagia Sophia; condemnation of the "three chapters"
- 554 Settlement of Italy
- 558 Collapse of the First Hagia Sophia
- 559 Invasion of the Huns; Belisarius repels them from the walls of Constantinople
- 562 Belisarius in disfavor
- 563 Belisarius restored; inauguration of the second Hagia Sophia
- 565 Death of Belisarius; John Scholasticus (John Malalas) made patriarch of Constantinople; death of Justinian
Buildings in Constantinople
Hagia Sophia (architects: Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus)Justinian - SS. Sergius and Bacchus;
- Column of Justinian on Augusteôn Square;
- A church dedicated to Saint Nicholas of Myra;
- Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarayı).
- Bridge at Adana.
- The city of Theodorias
Contemporary events
536 Pope Sylvester forced to abdicateTheodora - 536 A volcano explodes and causes a decrease in temperature that lasts fifteen years
- 540 Rule of Benedict
- 542 Plague
- 550/551 Procopius publishes the History of the Wars
- 554 Procopius publishes the Buildings
- 557 Earthquake
- 563 Foundation of Jona
- 565 Publication of Procopius' Secret History
Succeeded by: Justin II