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Julius Nepos
Julius Nepos: emperor of the West-Roman empire (r. 474-475 or 480).

- date of birth and full name unknown
- Between 19-24 June 474: recognized by the Senate
- 28 August 475: forced to resign by Orestes, and made bishop
Successor of: Glycerius
Main deeds:
- 472 The military leader of Italy, Ricimer, takes Rome, dethrones Anthemius, and appoints Olybrius, who fails to win recognition from the East-Roman emperor Leo I. Ricimer dies, and Olybrius dies too (both of natural causes).
- 473 Ricimer's son Gundobad appoints Glycerius, who is not recognized either
- 474 Leo sends a navy, led by Julius Nepos; Glycerius is taken captive and made bishop of Salona; at the same time, Zeno I succeeds Leo I in the east, but is unable to establish himself, or to back Julius Nepos
- 475 In the east, Zeno is briefly dethroned by Basiliscus; during this vacuum, a Germanic leader named Orestes expels Julius Nepos from the throne in Rome and makes his son Romulus Augustulus the new emperor of the western empire; Julius Nepos becomes bishop
- one last attempt to rule in May/June 480; he is murdered by Glycerius
Succeeded by: Romulus Augustulus