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Ariobarzanes I Philoromaeus
Ariobarzanes I Philoromaeus (c.95-62): king of Cappadocia.

Main deeds
- 101: After he has killed his nephew Ariarathes VII Philometor, Mithridates VI Eupator of Pontus seeks to rule Cappadocia through his son Ariarathes Eusebes.
- Six times, he is made king, but never gains control of his kingdom
- Two princes, Ariarathes IX and Ariathes VIII, fight for the independence of Cappadocia
- c.96: election of a Cappadocian nobleman, Ariobarzanes I Philoromaeus, as king
- 88: End of Ariarathes Eusebes
- Duing the Roman wars against Mithridates, Ariobarzanes loses his throne several times, but he remains loyal to Rome and is brough back
- 63: He receives Sophene and Gordyene
- 62: Abdication; succession by his son
Succeeded by: Ariobarzanes II Philopator