Twenty-second dynasty: name of the second dynasty of Egypt's "Third Intermediate Period". It was in control of Lower Egypt.
Osorkon I
Libyan background
Residence in Tanis and Boubastis in Lower Egypt
Collaboration with the high priests of Amun in Thebes
The first king, Sheshonq I, loots the cities of Palestine, Judah, and Israelnote[1 Kings 11.40, 14.25; 2 Chronicles 12.2-9.]
Increased fragmentation of Egypt; during the reign of Sheshonq III, loss of Middle Egypt to kings belonging to the Twenty-third dynasty (Leontopolis); during the reign of Sheshonq V, loss of Sais to kings the Twenty-fourth dynasty
The Twenty-second dynasty, the Twenty-third dynasty, and the Twenty-fourth dynasty remains divided until Egypt is reunified by the Twenty-fifth, Nubian dynasty